Projekt Discovery is to slow since 14 Days

Hi EVE, 14. Juli 2018 17:42

The Speed from Projekt Discovery is to slow since 14 Days. It have Problems to become a new Job, 5 - 10 Sec, I can nothing do! This is a Problem.
Can I have please the normal Speed of Projekt Discovery.


Hello Regus Wallenstein, this is GM Telarusch. 15. Juli 2018 10:06

I understand your concerns and I would encourage you to consider posting your thoughts on the EVE Online forums.

I also recommend that you consider highlighting your concerns to the CSM. They ensure that the voices of the EVE community are heard and you can either post on the CSM section of the forum or contact them directly.

If you have any further concerns or if there is anything you’d like to add then please let me know.

Best Regards,
GM Telarusch
CCP Player Experience | EVE Online | EVE Valkyrie

Can you explain more what this issue is? I’m not sure I follow by what you mean about it being too slow.

I can add a little detail about this (I have experienced this same thing).

Within Project Discovery, after you hit the submit button, another pattern is given to the player. In the past this transition has been really quick. Recently the transition takes a few more seconds to load. It is a noticeable change, one that discourages use over a period of time. There are no known reasons for the additional load time between scans.


Thanks - I’ll add it to my list of things to ask about. In the meantime, can you submit a bug report about it? If you do, let me know the number so I can reference it.

While submitting the bug report I was going to take a picture of the black screen before the next sample was given (during the delay period). I hit the little x to dismiss the dialog and instead it completed the submission. Oh well, no big deal, due to not much is seen. The bug report ID is EBR-156598

yea same for me too

I do have the same problem.

Today it was realy Good. But Now the query of the next job is delayed again.

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