Steam client application
Built Mar 5 2019 @ 15:39:35
Steam API v018
Steam package version 1551832902
EVE Client Version 1482909
EVE Launcher Version 1456374
EVE Launcher UI Version 6.1.7 (Steam)
Greetings over there,
on last weekend (29.03.2019 - 31.03.2019) Project Discovery had worked as intended. A bunch of non-Transits though, as well as I am nearly permanently within the consens.
Since last monday (01.04.2019) Project Discovery has delayed every picture after finishing one by around 5 minutes. Even when starting PD, a first picture is delayed by 5 minutes, too. Loading…
Pretty unusual. Other players who responded to me back via in-game chat channels told, that their PD works.
I am a Steam-user. I have already re-installed EVE, but this issue is still persistent.
= = = = = = = = = = =
Hello there,
it seems this issue has been fixed. Thank you!
= = = = = = = = = = =
this issue has appeared again since April 5th, 2019.
Best Regards,