I don’t know about other areas of null, but where I live, people will SOMETIMES
leave behind the mercoxit, after stripping an anomaly of all the other ore types. Unless you bring in a barge/exhumer or three, it can take forever to get all the mercoxit mined, in order to allow the anom to respawn. I think I may have a solution.
Deep Core Mining Excavator Drone
Skill requirements Outside Excavator Drones -
Deep Core Mining IV
Astrogeology V
Science IV
Drone Specifics -
Orbital Distance set to 8-10km from asteroid.
Possibly make bandwidth 125; can only use one at a time.
Yield - Same as current excavator drones. Base of 100m3 per 60 seconds, modified by skills and industrial core use.
Obviously, with a wider orbital range, the drones will be further away than you would normally have excavators (outside really big spod rocks). Management of drones when a threat is near would mean you need to step up your gain, or possibly lose a pricey drone. I see no need to offset this by increasing the flight speed of the drones.
Pros - Opens up a means to clean up mercoxit without either reshipping, or enlisting the aid of those who are going to be reluctant to assist you. Also adds a new revenue stream for manufacturers, and opens an additional income source for booshers. Lastly, it gives responsible miners an additional means to clear an anomaly, to ensure a timely respawn.
Bonus - Could potentially BOOST the Delve Time Unit, by increasing anomaly spawns.
Cons - Somebody isn’t going to like it, 'cuz. Some people that don’t fly a rorqual may see a dip in ISK per hour due to additional competition. However, with a 125 bandwidth useage, the competition may not be as impactful.
I didn’t scour the forums very hard to see if something like this had been proposed in the past. I would love to gauge the thoughts of the mining community on this idea.