Proposal for Rebalancing of the Suicide Gank

The ones with skill injections that are flying freighters within a day?

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Yup. When they quit, Hilmar loses quite a bit of cash.

Now I can see you are just a troll… I have seen that nonsense comming out the most oblivious players in EVE along years.

There are bitter vets and there are bitter carebears… I would accept such nonsense if the carebears could mine only a day a month in a 1.0 systen… one day a month in a 0.9 and so on. Then they would able to mine endlessly in low sec the rest of the month. How about that?

Let’s do that? I’m in for such trade off.

Plain stupidy, how about contacting through email all of them and asking them directly?

When there is an white elephant in the room you will never see it if you have your face on the floor looking for an ant and if you find then ant then you will say it’s the ant’s fault.

Read the room, look around, the white elephant is around us and it’s not the gank… people leave EVE because it comes a second job.

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No one cares about that and CCP employees have better things to do.





gerund or present participle: ganking

to defeat or kill (a less SKILLED opponent).

“Aiko just ganked me”

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Fixed it for you


Why don’t people just do something as simple as check a killboard before acting all edgy?




Awww, poor baby. She ganked you bad huh?

Low sec - Pirates
HighSec - Gankers
Null Sec - F1 Monkeys.


This is just pure nonsense. The act of undocking is itself the act of consenting to whatever comes your way…be it PvE or PvP. You don’t get to decide what you would ‘prefer’…and neither should you.

The notion that anyone should be able to roam around all of Eve with a ’ I’m PvE-ing…you can’t attack me’ flag above them is just laughable.


Oh really, then who is this then?

I will have to assume it is you when you figured out catalysts are actually sh*t ships for real PvP.


Ganking -----> Player v Player.

You want real pvp, well her it is, those mining lasers are deadly.

Is this in some way signifigant? Why did you say this? Something wrong with it? Something right? Anything relevent?

A man crush on a man?

Thats what he said yeah. Like its something unusual.

Who else would you have a man crush on?

A girl? A cow? A fine cuban cigar?

A man crush is a man having a crush, at least thats what Id been led to believe?

man crush



  1. an intense and typically non-sexual liking or admiration felt by one man for another.

“the actor confesses to having a man crush on Clooney”

Huh I never realised uncited definitions were included in facts. These days though I should have guessed.

Anyway, Im more interested by why JJ has a problem with it.