[PROPOSAL] Mouse Cursor Size Scaling

Just like to refresh this, it REALLY is a problem not being able to see the mouse in bright backgrounds when using a 4k monitor, this has been ongoing for a long time now, can you not do something to sort this.

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its simple. give me the option to increase cursor size or change it for visibility or i have to stop playing. a lot of us are older and have vision issues, plus the new exciting beautification of EVE is making the cursor harder to find on screen. please give us options SOON.


All these years and this still has not been fixed? Come on!

Canā€™t believe this is not fixed yet. Please!

Hey me too, I quit playing a year agoā€¦ Came back and still isnā€™t fixed, showā€™s what you really think of us dweebs and our needs.

Us old farts that have been playing the game for 20 years need a bugger cursor to match our cataracts! :nerd_face:


Cursor size is a real problem on higher resolutions; iā€™m another returning player who had hoped this would be sorted by now but no change :smiling_face_with_tear:

Pretty please do something about it, is a real strain on eyes.


I have the same problem. But Iā€™ve found out that the browser version does scale the mouse cursor and works in any OS, even Linux. And any machine too (within reason). If you have DSL or above, you should try it. :sunny:

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Jesus wept tears of blood.

For five years people have been asking for the ability to change the size of the cursor. CCP has been going through the back end of EVE and redoing pretty much everything.

Completely new UI.

They should take some of the extra $5 a month per sub and pay an intern for a weekā€™s work to scale the cursor. It canā€™t be that hard. They already have people banging over the damn code.


The cursor, as I noted years ago, is hard coded into the game. Yes, itā€™s that hard to change, or theyā€™d have already done it.

Iā€™ve had this issue on my list for five years now.

Maybe they should completely convert the client into the UnrealEngineā„¢, probably easier than scaling a mouse cursor. And could solve some performance issues. :slight_smile:

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there are in fact third party mouse adjustment programs. however they only work in open space and not inside any windows

I just came back to the game after more than a decade. The new UI is nice, but the fact they didnā€™t address the BLATANTLY BROKEN CURSOR has lead me to quit again. I would have otherwise been a paying Omega player for years. The idea that the cursor is ā€œcore codeā€ is nonsense. I shouldnā€™t have to play at 1080p on a 4k panel just to see the damn cursor.


I feel this one as well, being old and tired eyes. My single adaptation is cursor locator in windows that can be turned on and then you get a single target ping on it when you hit control.

I also have used this in streaming to show what button I am hitting.



Worse than that, itā€™s legacy code that is deeply entwined into everything.

The same reason POSā€™s are still aroundā€¦ any time CCP tries to remove them, or changes the code behind themā€¦it breaks things elsewhere in the game in odd and horrifyingly unpredictable ways that make no real world sense.

You would expect the UI overhaul to overhaul the UI, which would include default key buttons, and mouse cursor settings, but here we are, unfortunately,

bump, plz increase mouse cursor size, its barely invisible on 4K screen 42"

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Good luck thereā€¦

Evidentially, EVE Onlineā€™s code will collapse like the New Eden gate if they try to make it an option.

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Iā€™ve installed Yolo Mouse a few years ago, especially for Eve Online, there are certainly a few free alternatives, I donā€™t miss the 4ā‚¬ though. Eveā€™s cursor had me lose much more!


Iā€™m a new player, and the Mouse cursor issue is a show stopper for me. I am uninstalling until there is a fix. Very Poor Devel.

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Hm, so i found this thread, i will just add another reply.
Changed from a ā€œnormalā€ monitor with a 19xx resolution to a 38xx resoultion Monitor and suddenly this game is unplayable if there is really no option for this.
I am now playing a quarter of the time in eve because i cannot multibox anymore with my new monitor because i need 10 Seconds to find my cursor.

I am not sure if i sell my new monitor or stop playing eve right now.