The premise of the thread is a good one, no doubt about that in my mind, but the approach to just involve tedium, ad nauseam at that, isnt a good way to implement it imo. Not only would it become tiresome quickly when you are going to grind, the fact that youd be “busy” doing these things would make getting jumped easier, not that thats a totally bad thing, but it would tip the scales to favor hunters again. This would just encourage warping out quicker in the final end.
I have suggested something akin to the more active ‘goals’ in sites posts before. Though keeping retention on someone doing it for the umpteenth time is hard the more goals there are. It is a fine line. The other aspect is making the NPCs harder using new AI. The possibility of spawning functionally harder AI in sites would be an induced work around. Where, though they are only 3-4 ships of the right class for the site, they would use different tactics to force certain types of ships to essentially work “harder” or “smarter”. But then not have them spawn all the time. Sometimes you can just sit and shoot but every so often youd need to use tactics to kill them, especially if there isnt a name change on the Overview, just a tactics change which would negate, hopefully, botting or lazy mechanics usage.
Drone bunny changes would only push the goalposts to different fits and ships. More sites with new AI/implementation changes, while keeping the old sites the way they are, would present new options for people. Then based on usage, fleet compositions metrics, etc a reduction/increase of one type versus another could be a viable option using a dynamic system. Then many different solutions could be tried against one another perhaps.
It is quite true that people hate others simply because they do something another doesnt like or finds “unfair,” yet the game itself allows. And yes generally if the whine from players gets to a high enough amount then sometimes CCP will change things for them. Usually if its fiscally beneficial for CCP to do so in some way.