Prospect and Endurance sans cloak for Alphas

The mastery system literally doesn’t do anything. It’s only there for guidance and replaced the former certificate system.


If you die to these NPCs then you really deserve that loss and should also think about whether EVE is actually the right game for you.

“Terrorist organization” :joy:
CODE is completely irrelevant! I don’t get what all the fuzz is about…

Um, yes, you are. T2 ships are specializations over their T1 counterparts. You see way more barges than Prospects / Endurances because those fill an entirely different niche. Or are you one of those guys that use a sledgehammer when they actually need a screwdriver?

And that was a mistake. Alphas should get less stuff, not more.

And I think you should stop posting and invest that time into achieving a basic-level education. Maybe one day, if you work reeeeeeeeeally hard, you’ll then get to be a real game designer instead of just some kid writing trash post after trash post, while claiming to be something you’re clearly not.

Read a few of that guys’ threads. He likes to write about things he doesn’t understand in the least.

Here’s a taste:

The moment he gets to see my Prospect, it’s already too late for him. Cyno and Sin will be showing up a second later :joy:

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