Proving of Kybernauts for Glorification in the Flow Unfolds

ah but if you see a trace, sit there, knowing that damaged and maybe rich ships may be coming out. and within a set time.



Perhaps… if the new filaments only work in the Trig systems. Otherwise those traces are going to be hard to hunt down.

people forget there is a thing called killboard
and like it or not i look every mofo who say bad things about pvp on it
most doesn’t appear
or have ONE expensive lost mail
stop spreading lies and try it

Lol, suicide multiple likely cheap ships in highsec, and you don’t know which has the loot? It’s more effective to suicide that bling Gila next to it.
But those 5 Thrashers coming from the arena would have otherwise roamed low or null and would create content for those who do not want to fight in arenas.

I’m more than convinced we have the very wrong people on CSM.


Instanced PvP, like instanced PvE is corrosive to the sandbox. And the sandbox part of this game is still needing more love which makes some of this reaction understandable.

That said, this is a really limited form of instanced PvP, more like an event or the Alliance Tournament than queuing up for arenas in your lobby shooter. It might actually be good for game to have such a tournament tied into the lore, if they are time restricted events like this to concentrate interest.

So I’ll be optimistically luke-warm on the idea. I will ignore such contrived content personally, but for some this might give them a goal like the AT once did. But let’s not take our eye off the ball here CCP. You are making progress on restarting your sandbox. Don’t put too much effort into something that will be mostly ignored by your players much like the current Proving Grounds are.


i miss alliance tournament
if well done this can be cool
im with you pedro
do 1x1, 2x2 , 3x3, 5x5, variants
give GOOD prizes
once a year

If this is to eventually replace the alliance tournament then the “win” criterion cannot be based merely on total number of wins. People that spend hundreds of hours in these arenas will have a huge advantage over potentially more skilled contestants with less free time.

dont care
win is win
try next year

Is that haiku?

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hai wut?

Glad you are on board for this new PVP Format!

i didn’t knew him , them i notice he is the gentleman who shits with mitans on the meta show , noice



And I’ve got the dakimakura to prove it. Bitch, you don’t want to mess with this.


So I have to say, I am extremely disappointed that this feature has been included in this way. It’s a good idea, but introducing it as more abyssal content instead of as something more organic and less separated from regular player activities is a bad idea that will only hurt content generation in the future.

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Contrived is definitely a good way to describe this content.

I’m not an expert in anything EvE related, but what keeps me coming back to the space pp contest sandbox is that every place and activity seems accessible to any random curious noob because you truly feel everything is connected, you can almost touch the chaos of many different groups doing their thing and thus creating random, unpredictable conflict. To me it means any newbro can find something in that chaos that suit him, and so can create fun and content of his own. Metagame you know.

Expanding on that, i really don’t see the point of instanciating in that way one of the most important tool to access the content and the fun, in this case PvP. I mean, why would you spacepenis battle in a shitty 200Km wide arena with 0.1% percent of the content for seasonal (!?!) egopoints when you can be a glorious capsuleer in the real pixel world using every tool you wish to do your thing?

I can’t really express it well and i’m not english native - and i like dem Torvald Uruz abyssal pvp videos as much as the next bro - but this doesnt feel in accord with what i like EvE for.

Just my idiotic two cents


Do they come with magazine pouches? A friend is asking.

It was absolutely and utterly stupid.

They were supposed to be first, and needlejacks are supposed to be removed.
…if anyone had any sense, that is. Nothing except blackout has sapped my motivation so hard, chasing people for 30 minutes only to seem them go poof. Nothing stopped CCP from doing it right, like increasing their cost about 20 times, not making them available in every single data site, and only allowing them to be activated in lowsec, with a delay before activation… but no, they were done max stupid.

Oh well, like I said, you had one job, CCP.

Yeah, but tell your friend to watch out for tape residue when he jungle-styles them - ruins the delicate microfiber finish.

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