PVP Pilots needed. US TZ

Un4seen Development [U4D] Is seeking members to join its ranks in the effort to retake our space in Providence. After we left we had a lack of content leading to a member drop. Now we are motivated yet again and are ready to retake the land that was ours.

Members that love to pvp should apply, we also have something of an industrial base and when our indexes get up again its not half bad ratting.
SRP Program
Daily Fleets
etc etc

We fly under the -7- Sev3rence Flag and the NRDS rules of engagement making new eden a better place. But trust me our red list is huge.

Send a mail to Cj Allyn in game with your api attached Former blues will have an expedited process.

Come help us rebuild. Be apart of something.

US Time Zone
Combat orientated
Fly at-least T1 Cruisers
No PL Spies allowed.
Operate 00:00-04:00 Area Eve time

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