PVP turn off feature

Oh, you are the guy behind White Bull then? Because I know a few things that aren’t written on the news about this gank… and apparently you know it too.

I know that the White Bull Corporation was one guy only with too much time in his hands and many scouts and he was cargo scanning people in low sec. He is or at least was a low seccer.

White Bull corp always fascinated me.

Can we get this thread rolled into the anti-ganking mega thread. It’s starting to look eerily similar to that cry-fest over there.


I laughed, I cried, a tour de force!



The PVP turn off feature is the “x” in the upper right side of the window. Also reachable by using the escape function and clicking “Quit” Otherwise the idea of no pvp in a game centralized around pvp makes absolutely no sense. I can say there is a perfectly good test server, where you can do all the PVE you want with nearly 100% freedom of pvp.

Furthermore on the test server even the carebears can PvP without fear of actual real losses. :smirk:


That is a great attitude. I will tell you a secret. CCP doesn’t give a shiet what you expect to get for your money.

If you don"t think you are getting enough value of your money, which I do think too btw, then vote with your wallet.

CCP: makes a challenging UPvP game whose name literally stands for Everyone Versus Everyone.

  • Gamer A: This game is amazing!!!
  • Gamer B: Not my cup of tea.
  • Gamer C: It’s your job to make a game that appeals to me. And if that means destroying the game for the people that love it for what it is, then that is a price I’m willing to pay.
  • Gamer D: Actually, I think OP just wants to see ganking balanced.
  • Gamer E: I’m going to make my own game… with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the game.
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So, the game is evolving when it changes to cater to your tastes… but moving backwards when it changes to cater to other people’s tastes?

Seems to me like you have an extremely self-centered perspective.

Not to mention all the things CCP has done to increase safety recently. So, you have an extremely selective memory.

I was in a nullsec renter corp when I was about a year old. One day, I joined comms, and found my corp mates were currently trying to chase down an astero. At some point, someone noted that he was a streamer (EveLog), so I tuned in to watch… I was impressed and entertained. He wasn’t just evading them, but toying with them. If he’d get too far ahead, he’d stop and hack some cans in order to let them catch up, or just double back, flying right past them. I wanted to be able to that.

So I did.

I have intentionally run gate camps in non-cloaky, non-nullified, non-stabbed T1 frigates on alpha accounts just to learn and have fun. So, not only do I know there are counters, and that PvP avoidance is easy, but I know that you can do it without any of the tools you lament as being nerfed.

I offer to teach, and you instead opt to continue complaining and arguing with others… all while either being oblivious to, or simply not giving a crap about, the fact that Eve’s challenge and danger is exactly what a lot of players love about this game.

  • Developer CCP: We will appeal to Gamer B and C (and alienate Gamer A in the process) no matter the cost.


Who are you to say that? You work for CCP or something ?

Maybe your corp mates skills ware bad, simply as that


But in the end, the jedi got what he wanted, and his enemies were nerfed to the point the Jedi could fly his cheap kitchensink fighter through an army of star destroyers and their interceptor escort, that all failed to hit the jedi, dive into a deathstar, nuke it, and fly home again.

When it’s rogue drones, you can blow up the whole lvl5 horde site with a slasher, but nuking a sentient supercap with a slasher would be quite a feat.

You are bad at drawing
No1 asked CCP to nerf PVE-ers enemies.
I am asking for a way the PVE-ers can coexist in Ece online.

PVE has coexisted with PVP for going on 20 years now…


Please stop with the threats and start with the action. No one wants you here Roxana Dumb.

I can’t believe I bothered to read all this!!

So many people complain about EVE on the forums and threaten to leave, yet they still play it! Why? lol

If the game isn’t fun for them, go play something you enjoy! life is too short!


lol nobody’s stopping you!

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They already coexist. Sometimes coexistence means they get shot.

If you had a pvp toggle though, that would prevent them from coexisting. If I want to derp around in a titan and every time someone wants to kill it I just say “no thanks,” that Titan isn’t getting blown up anytime soon, which means I never need a replacement, which means Titan builders don’t build new ones, which means miners quit as their ore becomes worthless. Without destruction, the game has no meaning. If you truly want to just do PvE, you can go play on Singularity, and leave the rest of us alone.