QOL adjustable scanning gimble, mini-game client side (slow connections)

Ive been wondering whether to make this post for quite awhile, hope Im in the right spot. So here goes:

The probe scanning gimble:
It would be awesome if we could turn the movement arrows off. The amount of times Ive used them doesnt compare to the amount of times Ive accidently sent my probes half-way to the next system.

the hacking mini-game:
Id absolutely love to see the mini-game made client-side, and simply send the server a success/fail message at the end.
It’s because on slower connections, having each and every button press talk to the server it sometimes gets bogged down making the game an absolute drag or just not possible.

For some reason this mini-game seems to hit bad connections as hard as DScan can.

If this isnt possible, so be it I just wanted to put it out there
Thanks :slight_smile:

Hell no. Nothing should be client side. The first thing that would happen is someone would make a hack or a script for auto-hacking.


Pretty much this, unfortunately.

Well that didnt take long… Hehe hacking a hacking game. Well yeah you guys are absolutely right, I didnt think of that.

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It’s server-side for good reason.
You cannot easily hack a server-side game.

Edit: Whoops, looks like that’s already been said.

Yeah its a shame, but I understand :slight_smile:

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