We are a chill Worm Hole corp made of players of all kinds
We primarily do mining, gas mining, PVE, and PVP
We accept anyone who has 3 mill skill points and above. we do not care about your skill level.
What we offer currently:
-Mining boosts to improve income
-No required activities
-Help to new players
-Moon mining
-High Sec static
-Free mining and/or exploration frigates for newbies
-Scheduled mining ops
What we plan to offer soon:
-Ship replacement program for ships lost during fleets
If you are interested in joining or have any questions message one of our recruiters
We will be primarily communicating through discord
Our recruiters:
Discord: (meatSHtick#8348) In game: (R0QU3 Anthar)
Discord: (YAYEETER YEETS6#8290) In game: (jita yeets)