Question about feedback

you may be a “new” player, but your character isn’t.

NPC corp before joining a player corp.
2009/08/27 03:28
2020/11/30 00:13

seeing as though you are either lying about being a new player, or you started in 2009 and stopped, or bought this character whatever the case may be, you are not helping yourself in this case.

reading your last topic that was closed about pods, you are talking about stuff a “newb” wouldn’t even be close to using, so i don’t believe you are a new player.


ya my character predates these forums

Forum account

Posted 2 mins ago

Joined Nov 18

Read 3h

you are not new then… This section is for NEW players to the game , not new to the forums…smh.


Oh they know i am new, i have no doubt of that. I have been locked out of my account for 10 years due to lost password.

Did you have time to clean up because of lockdown and found your password? joke!

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Something like that, no at my suggestion they finally changed the recovery system. In 2015 i had some crazy arguments with CCP on the fact this was a game and not fort knox.

What will blow your mind even more is the 15 year old character.


In regards to why your threads keep receiving moderation, it is because they are not following the Community Guidelines, and each rule violation is linked in the thread so you see exactly why it was closed. Additionally, the issues you bring up don’t lend themselves to positive discussion, or a way to improve on an issue, and as such are closed. If you have an issue with the way moderation is performed, please feel free to mail

However, this thread violates the following rule, and as such I will be closing it.

2. Specifically restricted content.

EVE Online holds ESRB Teen and PEGI 12 ratings. All content posted to the EVE Online forums must be teen rated.

In addition to this, the EVE Online forums are not for discussion of real life current affairs, news, politics or religion. Discussion should revolve around EVE Online and its community.

For these reasons, specific content is prohibited on the EVE Online forums. These are:

  • Pornography
  • Profanity
  • Real Money Trading (RMT)
  • Discussion of Warnings & Bans
  • Discussion of Moderation
  • Private communications with CCP
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  • Real World Religion
  • Real World Politics
  • Content that distorts the forum layout

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