Reading the forum, i see most people have their uploaded pictures fitting the page. I tried to post some pictures myself but contrary to imgur or reddit, my pictures don’t resize to fit the space.
My images are in png-24 and always less than 2mo.
In the same way, when i link a post, the picture present in said post don’t appear in the link’s window, contrary to what i saw other people managed to do.
I tried to find info on the forum and google but found nothing about image formatting.
So thanks a lot for your help !
Second question : does anyone know how to remove unrelated kills in a zkillboard battle report ?
For instance i would like to remove the vexor killed by a npc rat in the fllowing BR :
Squizz Caphinator (creator of zkillboard) has people asking him all the time (and offering to pay). He stays completely neutral and won’t remove any kills, for anyone.
you can pretty much use any size you want, I’d just recommend that you keep the ratio of the image intact (not “stretching” it) for example you can scale a 1920x1080 (FullHD, which is 16:9) pic down to like 960x540. just multiply the image’s original size by a factor; 1.25 == 125%, 0.75 == 75%, 0.5 == 50% and 0.25 == 25% you get the idea
if you do not specify a size the forum will always use the original size if possible, otherwise it will adjust the size to fit the max width.
Actually I am planning to create a whole AAR of the previous weeks in providence.
And until now, I was just unable to fix those damn images in my posts. Once i fix this, will remove the links ( since the images linked will be fixed and no longer relevant for the discussion).
Edit : removed the example from the recruitment section but replaced them by another post having the same problem.