Question about installing on ubuntu 18.04

Briefly yes. After updating to 18.04 the linux launcher broke. I created a new 32bit virtual drive (I was using playonlinux at the time.) and set it to use wine 3.7. I can’t remember exactly how I got eve working, but there was a significant performance reduction. On the old launcher I was getting 20 fps with 3 accounts running with max-ish settings, now I was at 2 fps with the same set up.

I noticed in some of the threads on this forum that some people had had success with DXVK. Seeing this might solve the problem I decided to follow:

However, at the step specified by

Building DLLs
The simple way

Inside the DXVK directory, run:

./ master /your/target/directory --no-package

the script fails and no folders are created.

Since I saw no way to get around the problem I decided to give up.

It was around then that I noticed that my working install of eve was broken.

After that I ripped out as much of wine as I could and tried to start over.