I have been reading some topics from people still having issues to get EVE running on different distro’s and therfore I thought I would share with you how I got this running. Currently I have installed EVE on Ubuntu 18.04 and on Arch Linux, both of them are very different distro’s so I think my method would probably work with your running distro as well…
I will not show how to use the official (unofficial) EVE Linux Launcher or any other methods like Steam Proton, Play on Linux and etc. But just how to use basic Wine which can be installed on allmost all Linux distro’s out in the open. Further more I will show you how to create a new Wine prefix ( if you already use Wine ), which will only be used for EVE Online. This way it will not touch your default Wine prefix which can cause problems with your currently installed software you already use.
Step 1. Install MS Corefonts
This is needed to run EVE Launcher propperly otherwise it will not load correctly. The best way would be to use your distro’s package manager…( Thx Kitten Ripper )
For Debian (and derived distros):
apt install fonts-wine ttf-mscorefonts-installer
For Redhat (and derived distros):
yum install msttcorefonts
For ArchLinux (and derived distros):
pacman -S ttf-ms-fonts
>>>Optional/recommended for Arch:<<<
pacman -S lib32-mpg123 lib32-gnutls
For Gentoo :
emerge media-fonts/corefonts
For SuSE :
zypper install fetchmsttfonts
Step 2. Install Wine
First head over to WineHQ and install Wine accordingly mentioned on their website or you can download it from within your currently running package manager inside your distro ( Keep in mind that installing this way can be better then using WineHQ but depends on which distro your running).
Step 3. Create a new prefix for EVE
Although you can create a new Wine prefix and install EVE anywhere you want on your system but for the ease of use we will create a new prefix inside your home folder. Go inside your home folder and create a new one called “EVE”. So the path would be…
Start your “Terminal” and enter the following to create a new Wine prefix inside the “EVE” folder.
Now Wine will build a new 64-bit prefix and ask to install Wine Gecko and Mono, choose yes to install it. Once done it will start Wine Configuration and you will know Wine has finished building your new prefix and you can close that window.
Step 4. Install EVE Online
By this time you probably already have downloaded the EVE installer ( Windows version) and if not now its the time to do so. Again open up your “Terminal” and enter the following.
$ WINEPREFIX=/home/YOUR_NAME/EVE wine /path_to_your/EVE_installer.exe
This will start the installation of EVE online, once done you are ready to play EVE.
Further more if you are using Gnome3 like I do then Wine will create a new EVE desktop shortcut automaticly, but this can be different on other DE’s and Distro’s.
>>>Optional info<<<
Currently from Wine 3.20 and newer EVE Online installs and run correctly ( even dx11 mode ) but keep in mind this can be different depending on your hardware (drivers) and which Linux distro’ your using or even which version of Wine you are using (newer or older). Wine regression can always happen in the future and with past information we needed to set WinePrefix to and install the following below ( installed with Winetricks ) to get the game running. ( info sourced from WineHQ )
* 32-bit Prefix
* Windows XP Mode
* D3DX9_36
* Dotnet40
* VCRUN2005,…2008,…2010
Right now all the above is not needed anymore and EVE installs and plays fine. If something or regression might happen in the future then the above might be worth to try. Or follow the steps above to create a new prefix to test installation and running EVE.
Secondly to speed up performance a little bit which might help on slower systems is to turn off Wine debugging with…
$ WINEDEBUG=“-all”
You can even put it inside your shortcut so you wont have to use the terminal each time.
I hope this will help some folks out there trying to get EVE running…Goodspeed
P.s. English is not my native language, so bare with my grammar and such…