I have questions about POCO tax and hopefully someone can help me out, POCO’s in my system show 11% tax, I have customs code to LVL 4, now when I export 1 piece of any tier 1 commodity the tax is 44.00 ISK on that 1 piece, so I’m wondering what that 44.00 ISK is 11% of what? the average market value of that item? in that region? in Jita? that doesn’t make sense to me though because ALL tier 1 pi mats have a different value so why does exporting 1 piece of any T1 PI mat cost 44.00 ISK, I cant figure it out??? also if the tax is 11% why does it cost 44.00 ISK to export and 22.00 ISK to import. I’m guessing only 1 of those numbers is actually 11% of what ever number the POCO is using to calculate the tax. why is is so obfuscated?
i found my answer
Export fee = Base cost * tax rate (*1.5 if launched via Command Center) Import fee = Base cost * tax rate * 0.5
p1-5 mats have different base costs.
i’ll leave it here for anyone else who might want to know.
Thanks for using my poco, if you keep using it send me a mail in a few months and I will maybe let you get a discount rate. Thanks again.
I’ve been using them for a while, I don’t mind paying though, you’re about to see a significant up tic in my usage, I have been crunching some numbers on some spread sheets of mine hence the reason for the op because I plan on decommissioning my current set up and swapping over to 36x factory set up on 6 planets, I have 6 toons I’m doing pi with and I’m not a fan of resetting extractors every day, so I’m going full factory at some point still considering the logistics of it all though.
Exciting news.
Keep me posted, and thanks for choosing AIKO customs.