o/ all,
Asking questions around, i found different answers so let’s try the forum !
Cloak + mwd trick :
The mwd part of the mwd trick is to make you warp faster because once the mwd cycles out, you reaches the threshold % speed needed to warp without prop mod on.
That said, how reaching warp threshold and align time work together ? Until now i found two types of answers :
Those who say that you need your ship to have an align time inferior to the MWD cycle ( 10s). Because otherwise if you are not aligned, you don’t warp immediately even if you reached the right speed. Those people advocate for a agility fit Mastodon to make cloack + mwd trick work.
Those who say that the mwd trick make any align time irrelevant. You can have a fat armor tanked impel and it will warp in 10s ( MWD cycle time) no matter what’s its agility.
What is the right answer ?
To complicate the matter further, some people say that when exiting a gate you have zero speed and your ship aligning is theretofore pure visual effect because your ship has no speed yet ( contrary to exiting a station or citadel) so in a way your ship is already in the right direction.
Fenrir vs Providence :
In the same way, i read a lot of people saying that a webbing alt makes any agility stat irrelevant on a freighter. Doesn’t matter if the Fenrir has a better align time, a webbing alt will make this thing irrelevant.
Is that true ? Does it mean that the obelisk is the best freighter ( for tank) or the Charon ( for cargo) and that the stats about agility are useless ( exit the Fenrir) ?
In the same way does it make the nomad implants useless ( implants increasing agility) and should i just go for ascendancy ( warp speed) or slave ( tank) implants ?
Higgs Anchor and max velocity :
In game, there is no stat making a difference between the time to align proper and the time needed to reach warp speed. Or is it ? This rig increases a lot agility at the cost of mass and max velocity.
Is the reduced max velocity helpful to warp faster ? Some people say no but at the same time isn’t it the very logic of the webbing alt ? To reduce max velocity to make it easier to reach the threshold by lowering it ?
In the same way is it good NOT to train to reduce the drawback of the Trimark Armor Pump rig ? It has a drawback to reduce max velocity so in a way, it should work as webbing alt, no ?
Thanks a lot for your help and your answers,