R/eve, zkill, local - all dead

It sucks right now …

I agree and want to make my own point: Guy hosts zkill faithfully for years - participates in the ongoing event – guy deserves nothing but our ongoing thanks – take your hate some where else.


I was worried that something like a DDoS was happening, but if this is CCPs way of doing a real “Blackout”, I can only salute them all!!! That is BLOODY genius!!! xD


I will say that is absolutely sucks for those of us at work. Can’t see the mayhem on zkill or the trolling on Reddit.

I want to go home and join in Purge Day :frowning:

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Blackout! The best update!

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r/eve is back up, but zkill still down.

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Sweet now I can waste time at work with all the meme’s

Bad style close Zkillboard because Blackout :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Owner’s personal opinion hits the website :parrotdad::parrotmustache::loveparrot::ice_cream_parrot::hamburgerparrot::dealwithitparrot::aussiereversecongaparrot::aussieparrot::aussiecongaparrot::parrotwave1::thumbsupparrot::tripletsparrot::twinsparrot::upvotepartyparrot::psycsm:

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Best game improvement since jump gates :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Obviously the zKill blackout is to support/protest/commemorate the NS blackout (and troll us in the process). It’s worth pointing out that other EVE KBs do exist. Good opportunity for us to help them double their visitor count from 3 to 6.


I couldn’t agree more! many thanks to zKill

Or something terrible is about to happen. With the killboards frozen and the normal means of communicating about the game on lockdown it’s the perfect time to deploy a plot-related event. A big nasty one that blindsides half the playerbase.

Awe, did the little man child spaceship game make you sad? Ohh Noes! what to do now? LOL

I will grab some wine and cheese and chase it with tears. lets go blow up every thing in NULL !

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Perhaps we need to call a Waaaaaaaaaahmbulance

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Cutting services is not a feature.

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Now make sure, that site’s never goes up again!

For some reason removing of local was called feature.

Who needs KBs anyways. IMO they hurt the game more than they help.


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