Raata Zaibatsu Chronicles

Egg sandwiches

Nannaras X

June 30th YC 120

“Dad? It’s me!”

Monden looks over his shoulder to the door where he hears knocking and his son’s voice. “Its unlocked!” he turns his head back down to the task he was focusing on - cooking.

The sun was up, after a failed attempt of getting back to sleep after Auljam’s abrupt call, Monden waited around wide awake, took a shower, read up on some news in the Federation and began making something to eat.

The sound his door opening and being shut closed is heard “You just…Leave your door unlocked?” Akels asks.

Monden was currently cooking up something simple, yet, delicious and nutritious - eggs. Mote More specifically, cooking up some eggs to put on some toast to make a sandwich. “If anyone is trying to break-in to steal it kill me, a lock ain’t gonna stop them.” He picks up a pepper grinder he had placed next to the stove and begins sprinkling the little dark dots on one of the eggs “Besides, security obnoxiously tight around here. Ain’t nothing gonna happen” This place was a but of a “hotel” is you could call it that. Lot of V.I.P figures of the Zaibatsu stayed here. As such, the Mryskytuuli Regiment spared no expense making sure some of their best was on guard here.

Akels footsteps grow closer “I don’t think i could sleep at night if my door wa…Dad!” Akels shouts.

Monden turns around “What?”

Akels aims his palm at Monden “W-Why aren’t you dressed?!”

Monden looks down at himself. Man was in nothing but a tank top and boxers. A chuckle escapes Monden as he looks back up to Akels “You really giving me shade for wearing what I want in my own place? He places the grinder down and walks up to the row of counters between him and Akels “Afterall, I recall you were the rascal-" Monden holds up his left hand and begins wiggling two fingers to mimic someone running “- running around my house for ten years in his underwear terrorizing not only his family - but on three occasions, guests”

Akels folds his arms and looks up at the ceiling “Dad…”

“Am I wrong?” Monden asks, placing his hands down on the counter. He raises up a finger with his left hand as a thought crosses him “Actually I am wrong - Four times, your sister had friends over for a sleepover and y-’"

“Okay! I get it Dad!” Both of Akels hands shoot up. Monden begins chuckling, turning around and resuming his cooking. Akels steps around the counters “But you should go ahead and get dressed, we don’t want to miss the tram.” Hoiyori was a colony that relied heavily on public transportation, not a soul on this landmass owned their own vehicle, thus all had to depend on transportive utilities maintained by the Zaibatsu. They claim it’s healthy for the environment this way but Monden swears its it’s just so it can be a pain in everyone’s ass.

“There’s always the next one.” Monden says, moving his egg around the pan’s surface with a plastic spatula.

“Dad, today is not a day you want to risk being late. You’re supposed to meet with the council today. The honorable Patairach is to be attending as well.” Every now and then a meeting will be scheduled for all representing figure heads of the “CORE” modules of the Zaibatsu to meet and discuss the affairs and direction of the Zaibatsu. Lucrative Excavations is one of these CORE modules. At the head of this meeting is the Patriarch of House Yaken, the ruling family in these parts that claim some lineage to the first 40 houses that made up the Raata Empire. Personnely, Monden has his doubts about these claims. But what he can’t deny is that this Patriarch owns his company, as such is the man he answers to now.

Monden continues focusing on his cooking “Can’t a man cook himself some breakfast in peace? You can’t expect me to go sit down in a conference room for several hours on a empty stomach.”

Akels leans up against the nearby fridge “The cafeteria is always serving up hot meals.”

Mondn scoffs “Yeah, but they ain’t ever serving up egg sandwiches. Oh no, that’s WAY to simple for them ever serve…Always gotta be cultural exotic or whatever.”

Akels sighs “Alright look, let me handle this.” Akels says as he, gently steps in Monden’s way and taking the spatula from him“Just get dressed, please?”

“…Alright.” Monden rolls his eyes and makes his way out the kitchen. As he walks to his bedroom he shouts out one thing “Make sure they’re runny!”

“Yeah, Yeah!” Akels responds as he begins using the spatula to cut off the cooked crust off the eggs. Akels turns his head over his shoulders “You haven’t been drinking anything today yet, have you?!”

From out Monden’s bedroom door “God damn! You’re just on my balls today aren’t you?!”

Akels ask again “Have you?!”

“Does water count?!”

“Well…Technically speaking, yes!” Akels scoops up one of the cooked eggs and moves it over to some toast set aside next to the stove on a plate “But I’m talking alcohol! Booze! Sauce! You don’t want to go in their tipsy!”

“Im sober as a Chamberlain!”

“Good!” Akels moves over the second egg to another pair toast set aside. Reaches over and turns the heat off, picks up the pan and walks over to the trash bin. He scraps off the burnt bits of food into the bin and walks over to the sink and paces the two items in. He walks back over to the eggs and toast and turns them into proper sandwiches by placing the piece of toast they were each paired with on top of the egg. There were two sandwiches on the plate. Picking up the plate, Akels turns around and places them on the counter between him and the living room area.

Just as he does this, Monden comes walking out the bedroom in his suit. It was more of a coat as it reached down to his knees but professional and formal enough to be seen in and a business environment. It was faint green with gold trimmings. Akels even had the same exact suit, not that it was Monden’s idea that they should have identical attire. Akels intentionally went out off of his way to get a suit just like his old man’s.

“That was…Oddly quick?” Akel says, raising an eyebrow.

Monden raises his arms up to his side “Come on, now you’re upset I got dressed quickly?” he steps up to the counter where his meal was.

“It’s just… Wh-Whatever, eat up.”

“Don’t need to tell me.” Monden picks up one of the toasty sandwiches with both of his hands, props up his elbows in the counters and takes one big bite down the center. A hum emits from him, signaling that he’s quite pleased with the taste. Looking up to Akels, who was just standing there, tapping his fingers on the edge of the counter. Monden sticks out one of his fingers to the second sandwich on the table “You can have that one if you want.”

Akels raises his hands and gently shakes them “Nah, I’m good.”

“Hmph, what? You to good for egg sandwiches now?” he asks as he takes a bite off the side.

“Oh no! Not that, just…Was planning on encountering Ms.Rabuya in the cafeteria at the capital. You know? Maybe sit down and have dinn-” Akels stops and clears his throat”-Breakfast with her.” Ms.Rabuya - Or rather Suha Rabuya was the Wayist philosopher responsible for the local “Windchime” sect and teaching being peddled in the Zaibatsu. Monden recalls meeting her a few days ago and couldn’t make much sense of what she was talking about. One thing was clear, she was obviously sympathetic to the Guristas.

“That so?” Monden queries, while chewing.

“Yeah! See, I’m quite uh…intrigued! About the Windchime philosophy and I was hoping to sit down and have her tell me more about it. Maybe even learn mo-"

Monden holds up a free hand as he stuffs the last bit of the sandwich in his mouth “Akels - I know what this is re- Can you hand me that rag?” He points over to a damp cloth on the counter next to Akels. Same one he used to clean up the water he spilled previously. Akels picks it up and quickly hands it to him. Momden takes it and wipes some yoke moisture off his lips before continuing “- You’re a young man and I get it, I didn’t want to say anything originally but I think you need to be made…You know, aware of what you’re getting into.”

Akels raises an eyebrow “I…Don’t follow.”

Monden sets aside the rag “Don’t play dumb, you got a crush on this girl! And don’t get me wrong - I’m happy for you, you need to find yourself an adult partner. But don’t get ahead of yourself. You need to know - A relationship is it’s own job.”


Monden picks up the remaining sandwich and continues “The media has a tendency to well…Romanticize romance. Holo-reels, games and novels all make relationships seem like this pure, happiness filled experience that has no downsides-"


“-Don’t interrupt me, you need to know this. Having a relationship with a woman is hard work. Much with putting in hard work with any job, you’ll be rewarded. But you neglect your new found responsibilities and you’ll find your “employment” revoked and she’ll move on to find another employee to replace you. Just like with me and your moth-"

Akels slams his hand down on the counter “Can we not do this right now?” He stares at Monden. Silence falls between the two before some recoil of regret is seen as Akels breaks eye contact. Without looking at him, Akels speaks backup “…Finish up, I’ll meet you by the lift.” He walks out of the kitchen, around Monden and straight for the door.

As the door opens and closes, Monden is just left there with a dreadful feeling of having made the wrong choice of words there. Logically, he knew his son wasn’t gonna hate his guts all of a sudden, but knew he hit a nerve bring up his mother like that with such insulting context. It made him reflect on just how bitter he was. In an attempt to move on from what just happened, Monden takes another bite of his sandwich and let the dopamine wash over the regret. Slowly chewing to savor it this time. Primarily just to buy him some time to reflect a tad bit longer.