Raata Zaibatsu Chronicles

Dry County

Nannaras X

June 30th YC 120

The elevator was nothing unique, just a box like any other, with railing for passengers to hold onto at waist level. Monden and Akels were standing near the back behind two other passengers. Initially it was quiet. Monden couldn’t tell if Akels was still upset at him, or if this was his anxiety about talking in ear-shot of strangers. It doesn’t take long for the dead air to be addressed by one of the passengers. A man built like a Civire turns to the three of them, wiping the sweat off his forehead “God damn, I don’t know about you three - but I’d kill some poor sap for a can of Quafe right about now. Heat here is killing me”

The next passenger, an Intaki woman with brown hair, responds “Might have to go on a massacre then. Ain’t a drop to be found on this planet.”

Monden humors the small talk and joins in “Well, you guys know how it is, the Ohrions are terrified of sugary liquids.” To put it simply, Quafe is a banned substance within the Zaibatsu. The Ohrion board of health deemed it to be a “Cocktail of harmful chemicals” and made it contraband, along with any other substance close to it, and makes you subject to arrest if you’re ever caught with a can of the stuff.

The Civire lets out a chuckle “Ha! Ain’t that the truth…”

Just then, Akel joins in. “Well actually, the truth is that the Obrions banned it for having no nutritional value, being a contributing factor to obesity and diabetes. Along with having devastating effects to tooth enamel.”

Silence as the three stare at Akels. The Civire points to Akels from his waist and looks over to Monden “You know this guy?”

Monden replies without hesitation “He’s my son.” Akels could be streaking in public doing lewd things with a Fedo and Monden would still own up to him being his son.

The civire darts his eyes between the two “No ■■■■?” Clearly the man was confused at the opposite skin tones Monden and Akels had.

While Akels broke eye contact and scratched the back of his head. Monden just nodded with a blank look “No ■■■■…”

The elevator comes to its stop on the ground floor. Perhaps due to the conversation becoming awkward all of a sudden, no more words are exchanged and the two passengers in the front depart. Akels is the next one to step out, hanging his head. Monden walks out behind him and places a hand on his shoulder “Ignore that prick, alright?”

Akels picks his head up and looks over to Monden “Right…” Monden pats his shoulder two times before letting go and walking off. Akels falls in behind.

The ground floor lobby is narrow , but still wide enough to accomodate the outgoing and incoming traffic of residents, as well as staff working the floor – like the janitor sweeping the carpets of crumbs, and the two maintenance workers blocking off a portion of the center lobby to tear up the tiles to get to the plumbing underneath. The elevators were placed in the center and ran up against the west and east walls, two lifts for each side. To the north was a door leading to an outdoor balcony area (Again, with the obsession with attaching a fucking balcony to everything) and to the right the entrance and direction everyone was heading to catch the tram. Monden and Akels follow the outgoing flow of men and women making their way out to get to work.

Stepping outside, they find themselves on a cobblestone plateau overlooking a scenic view of a valley littered with the planet’s signature two-tone pink and purple leafed trees. Puddles of water from the rain during the night forming here and there on the ground. And as Monden Akels walk out, they spot the back of a familiar bald head. Monden calls out to him “Olimi!”

The man calmly looks over his shoulder before turning around completely. Olimi Tertel, the “Caravan-master” for the logistical wing of the Zaibatsu called “Clear-Mind Caravans”. A Vherokior that has long standing ties with the Thukker Tribe. A tall bastard too, Monden and Akels only stood at shoulder length with him and as such, had to be looked down on with this statue-like stare the man had. He was a cool-headed individual that could put on a calm face in the worst of situations that would make an ordinary man crack into a sniveling mess. How does he do it? Yoga, that’s how.

Olimi responds in a flat tone as they approach. “Well if it isn’t the Searbiers - I take it you both slept through the storm well.”

Akels answers cheerfully, “Me? Slept like a baby!”

“Ha! From him, that’s not saying much.” Monden says as he gently nudges Akels’ shoulder.

“Wh-What’s that supposed to mean?” Akels asks

Monden turns to face him “Your nickname used to be ‘human alarm clock’ before your mother came up with something more flattering.” Monden starts chuckling as Akels rolls his eyes and looks away in embarrassment. Monden brings it down as the conversation carries on

“What about you then, Monden?” Olimi asks

“Me? Well…Slept fine until Auljam calls me at four in the morning.”

Olimi’s left eyebrow shoots up “He called you too?”

Monden returns the question “He called you too?!” His tone carried more disbelief “What about?”

“He was curious what my favorite holo-reels were and if I ever wanted to join him one night to watch them.”

“…How did you, uh…respond?” Akels shyly asks.

“I told him that I appreciate the curiosity into the things I enjoy, but would be more inclined to speak more into detail in the morning, after I’ve had my rest.”

Akels questions further “So you didn’t tell him any of your favorites?”

“…Oh, well i did mention i thoroughly enjoyed-” Olimi waves his hand as he says the title “Love as long as the warp route”.”

Both Akels and Monden look silently at him “Really?” Monden finally asks

Olimi puts his hands behind his back “It’s a well written tale of romance, adventure and betrayal.”

“It’s a chick flick.” Monden adds


Monden sticks his hands up “Hey, to each their own I guess.” His hands fall to his side. He looks over his shoulder to Akels who’s watching some one of the residents leaving the building “Something wrong?” Monden asks

Akels focus snaps back to Monden “What? Oh no - but I think I see Joumi over there?” Akels looks back over in the direction he was previously looking towards.

Monden squints and looks over in the direction Akels is looking. “From the deposit analysis department?” Then back to Akels.

Akels steps out of their group “Yeah - I need to talk to him real quick about our quotas for this month, do you two mind?”

Monden shrugs “Do what you need to do.” and with that Akels nods and dashes off to catch up with Joumi. Both Olimi and Monden turn to watch him.

“Not even made it to the office, yet he seems eager to work.” Olimi says.

Monden folds his arm “Yeah, that’s Akels…Funny really, my own son is the hardest worker I’ve got.”

Olimi nods gently and looks down to him. “You must be proud.”

Monden tilts his head and squints up at Olimi. “Wouldn’t you?” Monden turns his head to over where Akels is. “I’ve lost count of how many deadbeats looking for an easy paycheck my company employed - but Akels practically does all this for fr-”

“What’s going on cock-suckers?!” Comes a jolly voice from behind them. Before either of them can turn to face who it was, an arm slips across both of their shoulders, and the source of the voice inserts themselves directly in between both of them. It was none other than the “President” of the Stelmari Exchange, Stelmari Oksasio. He just called himself a president despite nobody voting him into power over the Exchange. Stelmari simply started calling himself the Exchange President.

Immediately uncomfortable with this, Monden ducks and gets out from under Stelmari’s arm and backs away. “The ■■■■ is wrong with you?!”

With Olimi showing no signs of being offended, or discomfort with Stelmari’s abrupt invasion of personal space, Stelmari’s arm is still around resting on his’ shoulders. Stelmari smirks. “What’s wrong with you? I’m just showing my colleagues some brotherly affection!” Stelmari leans up against Olimi and points to him with his free hand. “See how chill Ollie here is? He gets it!” He looks up to him. “How you doing? What’s good with you Ollie?”

“Fine. I take it you are well Stelmari?”

Stelmari takes his arm off him and stands up straight “Oh, you know how it is, little groggy from the shuttle-lag. But nothing like sitting in a conference room for several hours to make it worse! Right? Haha!” No one else laughs with him. He brings it down before speaking again. “…What about you two? Ready to see how the Yakens boss around this month?”

Monden wipes off his suit’s shoulder. “Ain’t like i got much of a choice”

“That’s the spirit! Acceptance!” The supportive tone is all just a comedy act for Stelmari, this much was known by Monden. The conversation falls silent for a brief moment before Stelmari looks around “…Where’s the twerp at?”

Monden knew who he was referring to, but couldn’t let that name slide. “Excuse me?”

Stelmari grins at Monden. “Your boy! Akels! The loveable little bastard you always got following you around. Where is he?”

Monden doesn’t even respond despite knowing the answer; just stares at him, fuming. Stelmari matches the stare, except with disappointment in his expression “Man, you cannot take a joke, can you?”

“I’m curious on what planet anything you just said qualifies as a joke.”

“All of them, of course!” Stelmari smiles. “You’d know if you just stop being so serious for once. You just need to lighten the ■■■■ up.”

Monden approaches. “Maybe I should kick your ass?”

Stelmari steps even closer. “Oh yeah, keep talking dirty to me gramps.” Monden takes a step back, slightly disturbed at Stelmari’s response. Stelmari just keep looking him in the eyes like a crazy individual would.

The childish little argument is diffused as Olimi walks over and steps between the two. “You two are putting on a scene. A scene that is in no way productive.” He looks back and forth between the both of them. “Stelmari, if you’re looking for Akels, he should be over by the tram platform.” Olimi nods his head in that direction.

Stelmari looks over and then back to Monden, his stance relaxes and he shrugs “…All I wanted to know. See you ladies at the meeting.”

Monden watches as Stelmari walks off. He mutters under his breath. “■■■■■■■ degenerate scu-”

Olimi’s voice cuts him off, as clear as day. “Monden”

Monden turns to him. “Let me guess - time for the zen talk?”

“Correct - I’ve been meaning to talk to you, Monden. You’re a unmistakable example of someone who has been bottling up frustration, and as a result, you’re constantly bitter and strung-out. It’s not healthy.”

“I’m under a lot of stress, and working with assholes like that prick-” Monden points over to Stelmari “-doesn’t make it easier.”

“Blaming your feelings on others will provoke more negative emotions, Monden.”

“Easy for you to say…”

“It is - as such, I’d like to make an offer. I believe you would find it greatly beneficial if you let me teach you some exercises to let off that steam you’ve built up. We can even do it before the meeting in my office. It’s part of my daily routine to go through the motions.” The “Clear-minds” part of Olimi’s company name derives from this yoga practices Olimi’s clan perfected to relax their minds and bodies to become the very definition of zen. It’s in no way a religion, just a lifestyle his kind devoted themselves to. Printed on Olimi’s forehead was this blue tattoo symbolizing he’s someone that had mastered the teachings, which undoubtedly gives him all the certification he needs to be the man in charge of the company.

Monden’s head snaps in the direction of Olimi. “You’re gonna teach me yoga?” He scoffs, turns his head straight and reaches into his suit and digs around. “I ain’t flexible enough for the stuff you got in mind.” His hand touches a flask, the exact thing he was looking for’; but before actually pulling it out, Akels’ words about not drinking before going into the meeting later today echo back to him. He leaves the flask there, and takes his hand out, empty.

“You only get more flexible the more you do it. We have entry level exercises to help with that. But it’s more than just the poses, and instead of explaining it - I can show you.”

“…I don’t kn-”

“I forgot to mention it will help with any back pains you’re experiencing.”

Damn, he got him hooked there. Monden might not buy into the zen talk, but at the very least he might learn something to ease his back out. I mean what’s the worst that can happen? Waste his time maybe?

A choice presented itself.

  • Turn down Olimi’s offer
  • Accept Olimi’s offer

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