Radical improvement to mining: the audible alert module

So you play with 23 alpha accounts in parallel on multiple laptops?

This thread has zero to do with improving mining and 100% to do with making the OP lose less ships because he cannot sit in front of the computer.


Only right after updates to test if it is still viable or CCP makes changes.

If CCP makes it harder to control multiple accounts , then I can not expect to be able to use the same tactics against botters and multi boxers that I have learned while while trying it out for myself.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.”

If mining is made more difficult, mining will become more profitable.
If mining becomes virtually impossible to bot, mining will become more profitable.
If mining becomes more difficult to multi box, mining will become more profitable.
If mining requires someone at the controls, mining will become more profitable.

And the OP’s idea changes none of those. He just doesn’t like losing ships or being active.

You also cannot just make mining more profitable without it affecting other things.
For example, if the ore costs more, the ships will cost more as well (have you checked the prices of T2-items lately?). You will still make pretty much the same amount of ISK after you buy the items you need to do the activity you want. Welcome to the player-controlled markets.

That is why I’m offering the carrot.
To lead him away from a pointless endeavor to a more enjoyable outcome.
Make mining active, interesting and profitable over inactive and not so profitable.

Again, if the ore costs more (more money for miners), that will raise the price of anything that requires ore (alnost everything), which means that at the end of the day, the miner well have just as much money left over.

If you think that, remember, who is the one with the ore and minerals to build things?

The miner. :slight_smile:
Who is the one who can build and make profit off of building without paying crippling mineral prices?
The miner. :slight_smile:
Who will have the markets cornered on production?
The miner. :slight_smile:

Small exception to supper carrier ratters in null.

If you truly think that most items in the game are being made by the same people who mine, you really don’t understand how industry works in Eve. The manufacturers aren’t going to eat the increased ore-costs as it would cut their profit margins, so they will transfer the increased cost to the end-user. Meaning that you will pay more for the items than you do currently. If your don’t believe me, check the T2-market. As the moongoo has increased in value, the end-products have also increased in value.

I mine my own ore, reprocess my own ore into mineral, build my own stuff.

I pay nothing but facility fees and only if I reprocess in an NPC station I do not have high enough standings with.

But who uses NPC stations for that? :slight_smile:

…and opportunity costs.

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If it’s not so profitable you’re not mining right.

Well when you can regularly play 2 alts with 1 mining and 1 going out and having fun because mining is afkable.
It is not that difficult to mine everything you need.

Throw in a 3rd alt with a T1 hauler for good measure and you get stupid levels of mining done, mostly AFK.

Making mining vastly less dull by not having to stare at D scan and the overview for 4 hours nonstop. And being free to do something much more interesting instead.

In a thread full of trolls, you’re the only one pretending this isn’t true btw.

There’s also the much reduced chance of being arbitrarily blown up.

Anyone who rage-quits was not going to stay

I’m just gonna leave your sentence to speak for itself… :rofl:

And yet another ad hominem by somebody who can’t construct a oounterargument @Wander_Prian

I’m not even looking at Dscan or the overview while i’ve been mining for the past few months. Somehow magically you’ve decided I must be bored.

Doesn’t seem to really matter is it a well constructed counter-argument or insult as your reaction to both is the same, you dismiss them without any thinking as it doesn’t suit your narrative of the issue.


Hi-sec. Really no one watches the overview or d-scan here and you’ll be fine.

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It’s not high sec. It’s K-space. And we only watch local for every piece of information that he says we need.

Yo @ISD_Buldath I think we’re done with this thread. OP is deleting his posts now.

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Removed 58 Off topic posts that ended up being a public pissing match between a few people.

And 1 Response for straying into Politics.

Remaining open, hopefully this can be brought back.


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