If you are in HS you don’t have to do this. Just tank a procurer/skiff now you can largely relax. If you are in LS why are you mining in LS, and if you are NS you are supposed to be watching local and periodically hitting D-scan. But then why are you not mining in a group as well. Added safety and social interaction.
My view is that the semi-AFK nature of mining is a feature not a bug. However, I also think that if you are going to go semi-AFK and also gather resources/earn ISK you should face some degree of risk. You can mitigate this to a large extent in HS in tanked proc/skiff. You will sacrifice yield, but that is as it should be, IMO.
But it is true, if somebody is going to ragequit over a ship loss…this is not the game for them. You should prepare to lose every ship. In fact, the number 1 rule (used to be always update your clone) is never fly a ship you cannot afford to lose.
Frigates until you can afford at least 2 destroyer, until you can afford at least 2 cruiser, until you can afford at least 2 battlecruiser, at least 2 battleships, then things get tricky…
If they quit after losing their ship, would they quit after being shot in an fps? After losing a race? After losing a match? After losing in an rts?
Should these people be playing pvp games? Should pvp players be handicapped so the losers can play the game?
I don’t mind that they removed clone upgrades from the game. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m not a bitter vet…
I also don’t mind that they removed learning skills and for those of us trained them gave us a big fat pile of SP (which I promptly dumped into logistics ships).
Then don’t go AFK and only miner for a duration that allows you to stay at the helm. Or as many other miners do, start to multibox a mining fleet which will keep you busy the whole time.
Problem solved, no additional game breaking module needed.
I have embedded my answers in the quote below preceded by A. and in italics.
Welp…guess the answer is no.
Good Lord. I think you don’t know what an ad hominem actually is. If I say, this suggestions is bad because you are an idiot. That is an ad hominem. When I say, “Isolating players from interaction…” is not an ad hominem. Neither is an ad hominem to write, “If you are in HS you don’t have to do this. Just tank a procurer/skiff now you can largely relax.” That too is not an ad hominem. In fact it is making use of the “generic you”–i.e. it is not addressed to anyone in particular. In short, we do not need this module. You already have a way to (semi-)AFK mine via tanking tankable mining ships. Those ships are rarely ganked, especially if you really go all out on the tank (EHP over 90,000 for the procurer and over 110,000 for the skiff).
you asked for auto refresh on dscan, and being able to be notified of local changes
i think there’s bots that already do this sort of thing tbh. people talk all about ways to make mining more fun or to make it less of an afk activity. your idea isn’t exactly the best idea since we already have botting issues. limiting these tasks to omegas won’t work either. carrier botters are able to plex their legion of carrier bots, if someone wants to apply this to their multibox fleet? they could probably do the same thing.
That is the price you pay for being afk regardless of if it’s mining, missioning, traveling, or just sitting outside a station that you can get shot at. AFK deaths are not a thing that need fixing.
Miners would disagree and consider them even being in a fight a failure. Your proposition would make them easier to escape.
It is also perfectly acceptable within current eve rules to gank anyone you think you can.
People multitask/AFK mine because mining is boring.
A. Okay, probably true.
Probably? LOL.
Staring at Local/D Scan/Overview for 4 hours straight is not feasible for most people.
A. IDK, haven’t tried it, but given how much some people rat in NS, this could be possible.
So no real argument.
This system causes a lot of AFK deaths, which is dissatisfying at best.
A. Says you. I think killing anyone who is AFK is just fine. If you want to under-take a risky activity to get rewards…there has to be…you know…risks.
You completely neglected the viewpoint of the miners as if gankers are the only thing that matter in this argument. I dealt with gankers’ viewpoint in the last point.
AFK deaths are dissatisfying at best to miners. At worst, it’s going to get them to quit playing.
If would be better if miners were present during the whole fight.
A. Then don’t go AFK.
Contradicts point 1, which you agreed was probably true, and point 2 which you had no real argument against.
Ganking AFK miners is lame.
A. To the extent that ganking AFK miners imposes risk on such an activity that is a good thing. Working as intended.
Still lame. Still poor game design so I doubt that’s intended.
Actually lots of people rat an mine for fairly lengthy periods. Want to know how they do it? They don’t go AFK and they work in a group. Instead of whining about not being able to go AFK and gather resources…maybe you try the strategy they us in NS.
Seriously you argument is: I can’t gather resources while not actually being at my keyboard. Wow…that’s a winner.
A contender for stupidest argument this month.
So what? Going AFK should carry with it risk. Nobody should be allowed to gather resources without incurring some degree of risk. That you want to make this more feasible with less risk is just idiotic. It blows right past lame.
And this, BTW,
Well gee, who went AFK? Oh yeah, the miner who doesn’t think he should face risk while not at his keyboard to mitigate it will acquiring resources. Talk about lame.
And spare us “they’ll quit!” Bravo Sierra. Fine. Let them. Either they accept the risk of going AFK or they change their behavior or they quit. Fine. All three are good with me. And if they are so butthurt over being killed while not paying attention…wrong game.
No it doesn’t. Going AFK is a choice. And if you want to mine semi-AFK in HS then do so properly with a tanked procurer or skiff. Don’t come to the forums asking for a module that lets you be lazy and greedy.
No. It is perfectly fine game design for those who understand this game and what game balance means in terms of player behavior, risk taking, and the overall game economy. You don’t grasp a single one of these and should probably toddle on back to your preferred theme park game.
Oh, and we have a module that allows you to be AFK and safe with near perfection. It is called a cloaking device and when you activate it you also cannot gather resources or ISK.