Dose the first warning work for closed eyes?
If so that would be great!
Something like this?
Now, how to implement it?
sounded whenever a red or nute enters the system ajacent to the one you are in and the fleet member is acting watchdog?
Using a mining ship to scout? Possible I guess.
OP wants EVE to be My Little Spaceships: Mining is Magic.
No, I just want to deny you your AFK kills.
Seriously though, I want Eve combat to have the participants present and without making mining the shittiest subgame ever.
A worthy goal, and one that I agree with.
However, if that’s really what you want, then I believe that a better approach would be to make the act of mining more engaging and interesting to encourage people to be at the keyboards and enjoy the process more.
Your proposal goes in an almost opposite direction, leaving the mechanics that you are complaining about in place and making it easier for people to simple AFK the mining- something that opens the doors for abuse and doesn’t address the actual problem you are complaining about. You’re addressing a symptom, not the disease.
I completely support “make mining more interesting”.
I do not support “make AFK mining easier”.
And I say that as a miner who does those 4+ hour sessions staring at my screen (while I play with fits, chat with my friends, do industry, manage buy/sell orders, etc.)
Then don’t go afk. Simple as that. CCP shouldn’t add features that encourage AFK gameplay.
However, if that’s really what you want, then I believe that a better approach would be to make the act of mining more engaging
Good luck with that!
If you can come up with such a scheme that is roughly as interesting as PvE and doesn’t make it easier for miners to be ganked, I’ll support it.
But I think you’re whistling in the wind and stalling because you don’t have a counterargument.
Strange how nobody seems to be able to explain why.
Gosh, with the condescension and insults, I’d be thrilled to keep engaging with you to have some additional dialog, but as the only feedback you seem open to is “you’re right”, I don’t see much point.
Good luck with this thread and all your future endeavors! I’m sure this will be in the March release for you If it’s not, I’d definitely recommend biomassing in protest.
^^ still stalling.
“Not going to bother because it’s obviously ridiculous” and “not being able to” are two totally different things.
You couldn’t comprehend what Jenne wrote, so I’d be surprised if you were able to comprehend my explanation of why that’s ridiculous in the first place, let alone the explanation of why you’re wrong.
LIke Jenne said, whatever doesn’t align with “you’re right” is beyond your ability to understand and comprehend. Ergo there’s no point writing it in the first place. Have a nice day.
Amused by the “I’m losing this argument so I’m off” responses.
Why does no one else call them out on their behaviour? The forum seems dominated by kids who want their easy “kills”, refuse to engage in debate, use ad hominems instead and throw a strop when someone calls them out on it.
So two legitimate downsides so far:
- Mining ships that can be used to AFK scout.
- PLEX’d bots.
I’m not sure how significant either of these are.
The upsides:
- Mining made vastly more interesting.
- Far fewer AFK “kills”.
- Most miners actually taking part in the fight.
Fixed that for you. You’re welcome.
I thought you’d run away from the debate…
- Mining vastly more interesting because you aren’t compelled to pay attention to occasional changes in a ‘spreadsheet’ for 4+ hours a day.
- There can be a million fewer AFK kills and the game will still be far far better.
Not better for noobs who rely on AFK kills to get their killsheets looking good ofc. But you deserve the derision that’s coming. - Only noobs who really really suck at ganking will get no kills. I can still get 10 a day with this module.
Nobody is forcing to mine, just as nobody is forcing you to do it AFK. Those are choices you made and you have to deal with the consequences of your choices. If that means you get your spacepixels blown up because you were AFK, well, tough luck, that’s entirely your problem! Pay attention next time.
I took a look at your killboard and laughed. Hard. It’s just further proof for what we already knew, that you’re just some wannabee tough guy with limited comprehension abilities and a singular goal. Nowhere in this thread did I claim that I’m after easy AFK kills, quite the contrary, but you had to made that up to make your argument. Just like so many other things you’ve made up, all to support a rather pathetic argument that everyone but the most daft will see right through.
Don’t want to get killed while AFK? Then don’t ■■■■■■■ go AFK. If you do, then YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible if anything happens to your space ship while you’re AFK. By blaming everyone else and calling them names for calling you out on your ■■■■■■■■ you’re just proving your inferiority and the most amusing thing is that you’re not actually aware of how inferior you are.
There is no running away from this debate, because there is no debate. For there to be a debate, you have to stop lying, stop making things up and stop denying facts for the simple reason that they don’t align with your argument.
Nobody is forcing to mine
Probably the most idiotic statement so far. No mining, no Eve.
If you do, then YOU and ONLY YOU are responsible if anything happens to your space ship while you’re AFK.
I know you’re desperately trying to pretend this is a point, but it isn’t.
Every single miner AFKs or multitasks. That’s what mining is.
You want to keep mining boring (and AFK). You want miners arbitrarily blown up. You want AFK “kills”.
I want to make mining 2-3x more interesting. I want miners to be part of the fight. I want gankers to have to actually kill a live pilot.
AND … itis hilariouly LOL but… yea acept … everybody here need can minning AFK no matter why … o7
I don’t support the methods, but I thought the reasoning was obvious or should I say self-evident? If it’s not to you then know that non-AFK gameplay leads to a more direct gameplay, whereas AFK gameplay leads to a less direct gameplay. I could also say it’s about interactiveness versus non-interactiveness, but I’m sure either way someone will misunderstand it as what one is interacting with. I do mean people and not perhaps game mechanics. If it’s still not obvious, then imagine for a moment not having the Internet.
Right, and what’s more interactive?
- A gank vs an effectively empty ship.
- Or one vs a live pilot who will try and escape?
What’s more interactive?
- Notice a HIC as it bubbles + webs you and there’s literally nothing you can do to escape? An interdictor decloaking behind you, scramming you and you again having literally no possibility of escape?
- Or being prompted to watching your overview? The adrenaline rush of a hostile ship appearing on your overview? Trying to warp before it can lock you. Having to react quickly to the pointing – should you speed away? Do you need to your EC drones to break its lock? Do you overheat your shields and afterburners? Feeling like it was actually a good fight, even if your ship got destroyed?
And to pre-empt your next non-point:
What is there for a miner to interact with the 99.999% of the time they’re not being ganked? There’s nothing. More interesting to watch paint dry.