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Interview: Suha Rabuya on rise of Windchime wayists in the Syndicate region

Nannaras X - Hoiyori Colony

June 17th - YC 120

Intriguing stories are coming out of the Syndicate region, as a news outlet sponsored by the Ishukone-aligned Capsuleer Alliance I-RED reports on the teachings of Windchime Wayism aboard one of their facilities in the system of A-3ES3.

Native to the Raata Zaibatsu, The Windchimes are Wayist spiritualists who practice similar traditions found in the Caldari State, but teach in a different tone.

For a better explanation of the Windchimes, Hoovand Lindus sits down with the revered Windchime guru, Suha Rabuya.

We go now to the transcript of the conversation between the two.

“Tonight, we discuss the rising trend of Windchime wayism aboard the I-RED Tash-Murkon Refinery in the system of A-3ES3. We have here, a well respected Windchime, Suha Rabuya, it is an honor to have you here this evening.”

“Please Hoovand, I’m the one that is honored to be here. I’ve always dreamt about being interviewed. Today, you’ve made that dream a reality, thank you.”

“That’s rather high praise, but before we get tangled up in flattery. I hope you don’t mind if I get right into the questions.”

“By all means, I’ve been looking forward to this all morning.”

“Excellent, so to start us off, can you tell me who exactly you are to the Windchimes?”

“I can tell you who I’m not; I’m not someone that claims to speak for the elements, I’m not someone that carries around a book of folklore, nor am I someone that can wash away your dishonor in exchange for material possessions. Mountain Wind does not whisper messages into my ear and I’m most certainly not some individual chosen by the divines. Who I am, is a living being that has found their centre though spiritual faith. One that is capable of teaching others to do the same.”

“So how do you feel about the teachings of the Windchimes reaching the Syndicate region?”

“Should I feel upset at the news? I’ve devoted my life to this way of thinking because I know it can help uplift people to make something of themselves. It should be quite obvious I’m pleased at the news.”

“Then allow me to ask you about a real mystery. How exactly did your teachings get all the way out in the Syndicate region?”

“Like how it always does, word of mouth. Many individuals can end up passing through the Syndicate region. One or three of them very well could’ve been some traveller that visited one of our shrines, talked with a steward or stewardess and found merit in our philosophy. Can’t blame them now, can I?”

“Of course not, but are you at all worried of your sect’s practices being poorly represented over there? Far from the teachers of your sect, thus giving people a bad impression of the Windchime philosophy?”

“It is something I cannot waste energy being concerned with. Every spiritual faith or religion in New Eden is plagued with individuals who identify with certain beliefs only so that they may stand out, or have something exotic to put on their Galnet dating profile. Those that would represent us accurately will be the ones that will build themselves up, becoming stronger than their previous selves.

“With the rise of Windchimes starting under the roof of a well-respected alliance of Ishukone aligned Capsuleers, do you expect there to be any difficulties mixing with the more mainstream teaching of Wayism found in the State?”

“Why would there be? At the end of the day, we see the winds as the benevolent teachers they are. The only staggering difference between our perspectives, is that we don’t talk about the Winds in a nationalistic tone.”

“Nationalistic tone? What exa-"

“What I mean is that the State has, for a long time, has held the winds in exclusivity. Talking of the divine’s divine blessing over the Caldari people. Speaking of how Cold Wind would strike down the enemies of the State - This “favoritism” they prattle on about…Tell me Hoovand, do you think the spirits automatically love us simply because we put the word “Raata” in front of our name?”

“From what I understand, they love that which grow strong.”

“Precisely, the Zaibatsu still has much to prove, but to the Caldari’s credit, they’ve proven their strength tenfold, although undoubtedly they have competition in this cluster. Much like the Zaibatsu, the winds will not guarantee the survival of the State for they only guide us on how to survive. Our survival is entirely in our own hands and we will ensure it by uplifting our own people, for a nation is only as strong as its population. Should the State grow weak, then it will die out, simple as that…Then the ones that either surpassed or conquered them would be the ones considered to have grown the strongest, no? Nothing about being Caldari makes you special in the Maker’s world, you’re not inherently smarter than the Amarrian for being born Caldari. Nor are you, by default stronger than a Matari tribesman. All you have, is the potential to be stronger.”

“I get what you mean, i do, but I’m being told we’re running out of time. Any last words? A message to those out in the Syndicate region that agree with what your people are teaching?”

“A message? Why yes, i have one…Simply improve yourselves my friends. As mentioned before, the winds love that which grows strong, and strength doesn’t come solely from how large your arms are. Strength comes from finding your purpose and excelling at it. If your talents are in a laboratory, then your strength will come from pushing your mind to discover the breakthroughs in scientific mysteries. An artist? Then create something, improve your skills and create something that expresses who you are.

“You sound a bit like Auljam Karvose at the end there.”

“Karvose? A wonderful man he is, I quite adore his company and know how his more eccentric personality can rub others here the wrong way. Despite that, I’m confident he would not fail the Zaibatsu.”

“I see, well, thank you Suha. It was a pleasure speaking to you.”

“As it was with you, Hoovand.”

If by chance this story escalates any further, count on ZANIE to be there to report on it