I’d be lying if I said I remember my father, but my mother; she was always there for me. Regarding the deadbeat, she’d always tell me that he hid many things from her. Things she found out over time, because she’s got friends in high places. Let’s just say the family isn’t proud of who I share half a chromosome with. Old lady Tanaaka, a friend of my mother’s, was responsible for how I grew up. For the ceremonies she taught me, for the mind tool of the Caldari- of our people- being ingrained on me from a very youthful age. She taught me of Wayism when my mother was too busy attending Corpo meetings. No doubt, mother’s job was important. No doubt still, that I felt much like an orphan in a surrogate home.
I grew up on a colony in Akiainavas V or rather, on a ship orbiting it. Haven’t ever been much of a surface buff, haven’t felt much gravel beneath my feet. It was all steel walls and distant views of stars, of planets, and far abound constelaltions. In fact, constellations became a fascination for me. Astronomy became an interest that I just couldn’t shake, ever balanced by the down-to-earth attitude of the one who raised me like her own son. Spent my day cycles practicing tea ceremonies, studying the Way, becoming spiritually apt. Spent my night cycles dreaming of getting out there and traversing the stars like some astral planeswalker.
We don’t talk about my sister. Not that I could even say much, but she was always the favored one. Went to those aforementioned meetings with mom, learned early on how to be a ruthless business woman. i was- my family’s backup plan in a lot of ways. Now, at least, I’m old enough to recognize that. Sort of telling, isn’t it?
My sister was mortified, father unknowable (though I sometimes wish he would write, or give a sign of existence at the petty least)- my mother was overjoyed. Capsuleer training was littered with work and a lot of trial and error, but having studied in the SAK of the Akiainavas system, I felt prepared for anything. I… was definitely wrong, in retrospect. Capsuleering is like surfing on invisible waters, only you have to trust that they exist. I admit there’s charm to thinking myself some space ace for my people, but I’m all the more conscious of my position; just the son of a big name working under SuVee, performing an expendable but romanticized craft. But I don’t care, so long as I get to live among the stars.
#607201-5P1D3R.M0N-k3y at your service.