Removal of corp member amount mechanic

Why should corp leaders need to have any special skills of any kind trained at all? All that does is get people to make CEO alt and never use CEO alt for anything, especially in a big corp.

Corp management should only be a player skill. If a corp wants bonuses, they shouldn’t be tied to the CEO’s skillpoint count.

That alt pestilence needs a limit too. Have your 39569056038673956745693670378057 cheat accounts and only ever allow one account to be logged on at the same time.

Equality for everyone.

This discussion is not about alts. It’s about corp member limit and the skills associated with them.

Answer me this:

How many alts does your corp have?

Well. now that my corp is just me > there are. . . let me count…


There are 9 of me so that makes 8 alts.

but your questions wasn’t for me :stuck_out_tongue:

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I actually have all those skills and can have 10600 members in my 1 man corp. so if you don’t want to train those skills someone like me can always be paid to come in and do it for you.

I’m still in the opinion, that the skills for membership limit should be trained on the corp side (which means corps and alliances need a major overhaul).

The other option is they give a hard limit to corps and let the corp skills be reworked/removed like they reworked the wing/fleet commander skills.

While speaking on corp numbers - the system I’m sitting in I am going to assume most of the corps are like mine - a single human player with multiple alts - how about CCP gives us a system that lets us share stuff between alts (could even add a monthly NPC tax), so instead of people making corporations left and right, we can form up in these big beautiful corporations without end, but still be able to better manage our multitudes of characters.

theres actually a clause I think its in the eula, that they recommend not running multiple accounts because they are not responsible to the damage…than they advertise about having more accounts in game and on the site…

Back when I played WoW.

I started off with my Nightelf Huntress. Played through Burning Crusade with her, but was in a bad server and not part of any raiding groups. So I rolled a Dranie Paladin and more characters and leveled them all up. Wraith if the Lich King came out and Blizzard started doing a push for more - “oh your maxed out your main, well you got ten character slots, roll an alt and level them up.” Then they added in feature after feature after feature - so here we are as peasants throwing money at Blizzard monthly to play all these different alts and do daily quest and build standings with the different factions and hoping beyond hope to claim that super rare mount.

I argued and vested my time and energy on their forums to say “if you plan on promoting alts, then you need to give more love to our alts. Shared wallets, shared mounts collectibles etc.”

I have also made the same spearheaded to CCP, by it seems to fall on deft ears. If you are going to market something, then you need to properly support it. With the ESI API so it is a per character with no full account option spies will love it. Access list should be the way to go for people wanting to creat and share their wallets and hangers with others.

As I think someone has said. We know they can do account stuff as the Plex Vault is account wide.

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