I used to be pretty hesitant about cybernetic augs until the day my IFV got hit by a mine and I became a double amputee. Got some prosthetic replacements courtesy of the docs at Fed Marines and it took some getting used to but I was thankful they let me continue to lead a more or less normal life.
These days I’m not that serious about the aug scene as some people in the Fed. Probably more of a hobbyist or enthusiast more than anything. There’s a comfort I find in chrome.
I’ve collected a few full body rigs with my favourite probably being my bespoke cyber cat-boy.
I wish I could use it for my official portrait but for some reason CONCORD won’t let me likely for the same reason they won’t let me wear women’s stockings and a skirt.
Either way you must replace them at your earliest opportunity. You have already done this with flesh that has failed you, why do you not replace these technicians who have also failed you? Please be consistent, for your own sake.
Further more, humanity is ever pressing forward. In biology, cybernetics, and infomorph management and processing. Normally I would consider you to have some sort of mental defect that is causing you to self mutilate, possibly for attention seeking purposes. But having conferred with two specialists on the matter who wish to remain anonymous there is a chance you have something worth investigating.
I offer myself as a medium by which you might contact some specialists in these fields which might be of assistance, if you are willing.
Why? I see no issue with it, assuming we brush the psychological issues aside. Albeit waking up with new augments every other death for whatever reason is probably not the best way to be acquiring new hardware.
It’d be hypocritical of me anyhow, given the fact I’m as augmented as the state of the art allows for.
I know a guy that claims to be almost entirely cyborg. And he’s a fruitloop.
I know a couple other people who might be cyborg. And they’re fruits as well.
In fact everyone I know of that claims to be high percentage cybernetic turns out to be fruity.
They talk more about their meat organs than the organic people I know.
It’s weird.
Basic options: either problem is hardware, “meatspace” stuff-- genetics, biochemistry, something, in which case there is a cause or a matrix of causes …
… or, problem is software, “infomorph” stuff-- psychosomatic, hallucinatory, an expression of mental illness, in which case there is a (likely more ephemeral, but no less functional/important) cause or matrix (possibly a literal complex) of causes.
The former is probably easier to identify and resolve. The latter would involve some deep digging, probably therapy, possibly something more. Either way, taking steps like the ones you’ve started should help to isolate the cause, however troublesome or annoying they might be for the staff.
Come visit the Intaki V (Intaki Prime) - Moon 5 - Astral Mining Inc. Refinery
Mastir Reborn Technologies inc. are now selling everything in the self improvement range from Large Skill Injectors and Body Resculpting Services to (and this is why I mention all this) a wide variety of more practical gear from implants for your head to Facial and Body Augments and of course Cybernetic Arms!
I’m just advertising a place where you can grab great deals in getting all that flesh replaced personally your fleshy clones are weak bags of meat that will never reach true enlightenment.
Yes @Arrendis I’m saying you’re a fleshy meat bag!
Frankly, I find all of the supercilious nonsense about reaching ‘true enlightenment’ to be as idiotic a bunch of self-serving delusions, clung to tightly by the desperately insecure, as claims that capsuleers are immortal.