Several weeks ago, I had the pleasure of entertaining a conversation in the Summit regarding the humanity of True Slaves and the perception that even with their enslavement through implantation, they remain human. Of course, not everyone agreed. Many of our fellow Captains declared themselves in favour of their complete extermination, irrespective of if they are captured or not, and regardless of whether they are frontline soldiers beholden to fight or the menial labourers toiling endlessly in the factories in Stain.
My curiosity does not reflect an attitude of passivity towards Nation. I wholeheartedly believe in a pro-active defence against Sansha’s Nation and the ongoing Incursions to mitigate any further abductions of the innocent. A system in my member state, Esmes, saw the complete depopulation of Esmes III during the initial Incursion period. It’s inhabitants were kidnapped and are now enslaved to further the Nation’s diabolical agenda. The Nation and it’s armies needs to be confronted with force of action and will and this will manifest itself quite rightly through force of arms.
However, the True Slaves are ultimately victims. Each and every one of them had a life, their own thoughts and feelings, with dreams and doubts. All of this was stolen from them, cruelly ripped away. From the original slaves experimented on, to the civilians that continue to be abducted from their homes, the mere concept of having one’s agency and one’s identity stripped away would strike fear into even the most hardened amongst us, especially in the Federation.
I’m not one of the premier experts on the subject matter of Sansha’s Nation and the True Slaves by any margin compared to some of our more illustrious colleagues amongst us that are more versed in scientific ways, so I ask the Summit for it’s opinion. Much to my eternal regret, I am sure.
Do you think that they are forever lost and the only recourse is euthanasia, an extended mercy as some have described it? Or do you believe that there may still be a chance to reverse the damage that the implantation and brainwashing process has caused? Should there be greater efforts to try and rescue those that have been lost to Nation - if it is at all possible?
Do we not owe a duty to those we failed to protect to try and save them from their present fate?