Reply with a famous quote

8 hours ago

If you cannot explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it.

Alexander the Greats closest friend “Should I allow you to win every time Alexander?”

Just because a nation may not be to pay you with tribute or gold does not mean they shouldn’t be allowed to repay a debt with allegiance.

Allegiance is as valuable as any sack full of gold, if not more valuable than gold sometimes as a matter of fact, because an alliegence is a bannered tribute.

D.B. 3.21. 2021.

The problem is not people being uneducated.
The problem is that people are educated just enough to believe what they have been taught, and not educated enough to question anything from what they have been taught. :brain:


2. - 3 days later, Wed Mar 31, 2021 at 04:00:

If you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room. :brain:

1 Like

“He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.”

Nukes are mineral from stone.

Nukes are mineral from stone.

No government has the right to:

• decide on the truth of scientific principles,
• determine the aesthetic values of artistic creations,
• limit the forms of literary or artistic expression,
• pronounce on the validity of historic, religious or philosophical doctrines.

• Stupidity:
You think you know everything, without questioning.

• Intelligence:
You question everything you think you know.

Stupidity is knowing the truth, seeing the truth but still believing the lies. And
that is more infectious than any other disease.

3. - At 19:36, 14 hours after the last update:
“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant…Any law which violates the inalienable rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical; it is not a law at all.”

~ Maximilien Robespierre

4. - At 01:15, Tue Apr 6, 2021, 6 hours after the last update,
_ _ 3 days after this post initial input field filled out and entered:

“Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it.”

― Voltaire

tags: denial, fear, reality, truth, truth-hurts, truth-quotes, truths

Believe Those Who Are Seeking the Truth; Doubt Those Who Find It – Quote Investigator®.

8 hours after the last update at 09:08:

School doesn’t test your intelligence, it tests your
memory. :brain:

5. - 11 days later, 7 days after the last update, at 07:06, Wed Apr 14, 2021:

Your intelligence cannot be measured by just a number.
It is defined by your willingness to learn, solve
problems and try new things.

You are more than just a number. Develop your skills
wherever they may lead. Share your ideas. Your skills
are more valuable than your grades. :brain:

6. - 12 days later, at 03:20 Thu Apr 15, 2021, 20 hours after the last update:


If you don’t make mistakes, you’re doing it wrong.

If you don’t correct those mistakes, you’re doing it really wrong.

If you can’t accept that you’re mistaken, you’re not doing it at all.

11:03 PM · Apr 14, 2021 · Twitter for Android

7. - 20 days later, 8 days after the last update, at 05:26 Fri Apr 23, 2021:

Don’t use your energy to worry!

Use your energy to believe, to create, to learn, to think,
and to grow. :brain:

8. - 23 days later, 3 days after the last update, at 06:33 Mon Apr 26, 2021:

If you find science boring, you’re learning it from a
wrong teacher.

1 Like

When you are dead, you don’t know you are dead. It’s pain only for others.

It’s the same thing when you are stupid.

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When I am gone, I do not want men to say, “look at his piles of wealth, his cities, his palaces and fine clothes”.

Instead I want them to say, “Make sure he is truly dead. He is a vicious old man and he conquered half the world.” Ghengis Khan, allegedly.

“The best laid schemes of both mice & men can go awfuly wrong”.

'The present only touches a mouse but backwards we cast our eye, on previous failings and to the future, though we cannot see, we guess and fear. '.


• Read everyday.
• Spend time with nature.
• Ask questions.
• Never stop learning.
• Don’t pay attention to what others think of you.
• Do what interests you the most.
• Study hard.
• Teach others what you know.
• Make mistakes and learn.
• It’s Okay to not know things!

The Feynman-technique of learning:

Pick a topic you wanna understand and start studying it
Pretend to teach the topic to a classroom
Go back to the books when you get stuck
Simplify and use analogies!

• If you wanna master something, teach it. :brain:

‘It never gets easier, you just go faster’

-Greg LeMond


1 Like

To the human race, Some of you are really smart! You know who you are!
Some of you are really thick! Unfortunately, you don’t know who you are.!

Ricky Gervais

“Dear Religion, This week I safely dropped a man from space while you shot a child in the head for wanting to go to school. Yours, Science.”

Ricky Gervais
There is no sin but ignorance.

Christopher Marlowe

Don’t be impressed by
money, followers,
degrees, and titles.

Be impressed by
kindness, integrity,
humility, and generosity.

2:40 AM · May 8, 2021

Your intelligence cannot be measured by a number. It is defined by your willingness to learn, solve problems and try new things. You are more than just a number. Develop your skills. Share your brilliant ideas. Your skills are more valuable than your grades. :brain: