[Resolved] Extended Downtime Notification - 2025/03/18

Just wait a minute or so…

I can’t even open the launcher, I’ve been trying to do it for one whole week :sob: :folded_hands:

Dobroe Utro

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Since the server was up and manually was brought down at around 11:15, I would assume that the shutdown procedure would automatically post a tweet announcing the downage.

But then, do eve players really follow CCP? Wouldn’t doing so expose an interest in their product?
Let’s create a twitter alt account to follow them with.

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1013mb here


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The introduction of the GPU Driven Pipeline, as per Patch Notes, is off to a good start.

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got to the point where i’m going to do nothing, its more fun than waiting for zero content and hanging out with farmers.

I’ve never posted a reply and just wanted to get one in the history books! :slightly_smiling_face:

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And another 120MB…

The gpu pipeline upgrades burnt up ccp’s intel internal graphics card :slight_smile:


The infinite expanses of the 101001
Go and make EVE great again. :melting_face:

You forgot the feed the hamsters again, didn’t you? DIDN’T YOU??

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Let’s see how much power draw increased.

got to the point where i’m going to do nothing, its more fun than waiting for zero content and hanging out with farmers.
Lol thats all it is any more,.
do we get free stuff like skill point for the inconvenience ?? are you new jk bro prob
not Will get a offer to buy reduced pacs.

did some one for get too feed the hamsters agine?

If i can’t deliver my shiny shuttles before going to work, it will cause the great shuttle shortage of 2025.

My frame rate just dropped by half (50%).
When I logged in earlier it was 60fps+; now I’m barely over 30fps. Make that 24ps… :enraged_face:

I need those ships man !

what ships?