[Resolved] Player Disconnections and Unable to Log In - 10th September

Quit flying expensive pods :smiley:

In all seriousness, is it a DDOS this time , AmazonWS issue, hardware failure or…? Hass CCP offered at least a preliminary guess as to the issue?

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а где территориально то?)))

+4 :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

It’s not an addiction, its dedication.

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I’m relatively new to the game, but this seems to be happening more frequently.

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thats the issue. the hamsters had to much beer

Get rid of multiboxing and see how many real players are online :stuck_out_tongue:


нижний новгород!

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LoL :slight_smile:

Just wait and see…

ищу пиццу
о тебе: 50СМ, пепперони

Made this gif especially for theese occations!


блин, далековато из питера будет

well iam newbie i pickup after long time my cruiser to some combat mision jumped in and start fight and server dc but dont thing it will be lost coz miracles happen :smiley:

Easy, number logged on divided by 4 - lol

Require HOTAS to fly… see how many players stay

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Blawg made a whole gif

it would be just the 2 then.
