Not gonna lie this would be fun!
What is VIP mode?
Eve updated today and then Eve crashed today. Hmmm
Honestly, its so much fun listening to moaners and people asking for freebies, after 18 years you just get used to these things and just dont care, it will come up when it comes up.
#FreeSkillPoints 1kk please
Thank You
so how many times know has this happen is this the second
в зуме из гаражей соберемся
Gotta do something to pass the time haha
You might be right there , But i wont blame the BEER for that mate .
I love my BEER
Lets the Dev Gate Campers clean the whole area
Udmurt republic, мать вашу
ccp alpha loot your hangar
и в кваку
I have a set of Thrustmasters just aching to come out…
Cant reply anymore?
Very inconsiderate people mode
когда буржуи починят?
Adoro quando esta porra acontece , nao e por mais nada mas a ccp esta toda fodida , aqueles servidores esta a dar as ultimas . A ver se la metem o Ceo da CCP a trabalhar ao fim de semana .
Vergonhoso esta atitude e falta de respeito por todos os que gastam dinheiro neste jogo e tem um servico da merda…