[Resolved] Unexpected downtime - 1st September 2023

  1. It’s been 3 hours, not 2.
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ive been playing for 20 years now. love the game, not bashing here but this crash has been going on for a couple days now. we live in a wh with a c3 static. that c3 static has a ls static exit. for the past say, 3-4 days, there has not been a ls exit in our c3 static. it just vanished. we are having to jump 2-3 wh to get a connection. and this isnt an error with just 1 wh. the last 3-4 ive scanned did not have a ls exit. weird stuff is happening.

not really complaining at this point, but they could be connected.

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isk i would have made in this time
5b = 1000plex = 30€

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Creo que perdí muchos isk,

I’m starting to get the feeling CCP have hired Nadine Dorries to work of the Eve servers…

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I bet 100% your server logs didn’t find anything.

If 4 updates over less than 2 hours is something you find upsetting then the internet may not be for you.
I have seen issues like this go on with other companies before for days before even an acknowledgement of a problem. As they are still Icelandic/European based then there’s probably only small teams who can make minor adjustments to the server. If it’s a network team I am sure there will be more staff to deal with issues - but the A+Team probably gets their preferred time slots (During the day).


at a certain point the developers will need to just go to bed and look at it again in the morning.


Sorry, Google banned me - who is it?

The Jove has stolenz your exits!

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wouldnt doubt it. im going to write a strongly worded letter…

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She is an MP in the UK.

A very very poor clueless MP.

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Eve has already been offline for so long already that I have commited to an actual, IRL social activity tomorrow afternoon, pretty sure the graphics will suck and login will take a long while without coffee.

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Ooooh 26 to choose from.

Which letter of the Alphabet is strongest? :wink:

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Former, MP. Her resignation “With immediate effect” finally completed it’s 3 month cycle some time last week. The useless eater she is.

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Damn well said

Her resignation with immediate effect lasted longer than Liz “The Lettuce” Truss’s PM’ship. XD


The jovians came through the stargates and turned off eve :pensive:

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Those Jovians need to learn foreplay it seems. :wink:

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Anyone who has worked in IT knows just how f$%king annoying it is when butthats keep on nudging their elbows asking “When will it be fixed” without screaming back a spittle laden replay of “IT WILL BE FIXED WHEN IT’S F#$KING FIXED AND NOT A F#$KING MINUTE BEFORE!!!”