maybe P. has a lot of spittle behind it when yelled.
As far as I was told, the Jovs are either CCP employees or sponsors…
I wonder how much PLEX/Omega time they’ll be giving out for this one… it’s been a few hours now with no fix in sight.
Ok guys. Keep up the good job.
Has to be “F” or ‘C’.
As the best swear words start with those letters!
Update 22:00 UTC - Summary - Around 19:15 UTC Tranquility and services started to encounter issues which resulted in players being disconnected / not being able to log in. Simultaneously, other services such as web sites and single-sign on were also impacted. Since then we have been investigating the cause and consulting with our various third party providers. We will provide information as soon as it is available.
thought about f but everyone uses it so…
come on!!! RL doesn’t let me go pew pew in space ship
Starfield’s out.
well at least tell us what the issue is instead of blaming hamsters.
was it a power outage, ccp did not pay their isp. hardware that failed, a rouge employee that was underpaid snaped or we dont know jet because ccp dose not pay outside of 9-17 on weekdays
They don’t know. And they did tell you that:
No, just send her over here, I will do ‘smth’ with your wife for ya.
Im pretty sure using 3rd party providers is against EULA agreement.
I read that, initially as “I wil do ‘smith’ with your wife” and visualised you walking up to people and slapping them
I’m pretty sure the EULA doesn’t restrict CCP from using third-party services in any way. It only restricts you, because it is the deal by which they grant you a license to access their software.
Split the difference. Rock Cock.
Some, by the way, really like it. So I don’t see any problems.
you so smart! been to redit recently!?