[Resolved] Unexpected downtime - 1st September 2023

The fact that my brain still functions should demonstrate that I’ve not.


You are doing a very good job , Well done CCP…

Give me Eve or give me trinkets in the form of “Dead Server Hamster” in-game item


Who brought the Super Viagra? XD

But daz wuz Warcrack!

I think we should write a petition to introduce a high-level security agent mission, where it would be necessary to break through the crowd of enemies to the server station and change hamsters on it.


night all, ill wait till the morning, if its fixed

Can i have your stuff? If you leave please. Thankyou.

Fly your bed safely bud! o7

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Literally just before the server crashed, I had just found a Estamel’s Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener. Hope I havent lost it. :wink:

ohh ya they never know.
the last time they managed to fix we dont know and still we dont know what the issue was.
ahh ya maby its the we dont know clamp that got lose by we dont know.

but i can tell you what i know.
we dont know is the simple answer to we ■■■■■■ up and dont want you to know so you cant blaim us

you too brother

About to shoot off for some shopping on my day off (10:00 here)

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Not till I know my Mining Fleet is safe back in station! :wink:

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nice, see you around on eve bud

Devs should start concidering placing OUT OF SERVICE On the loading screen. :rofl:

if i lose my mining stuff im asking ccp for a refund on it.

And of course you are a network engineer and have a good idea how these systems function ? The vast majority of us will not understand a damn thing, even if CCP describe it in detail.

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my counter argument: nah

Hope they have pizza