So does the ingame world freeze when the servers go down? Do skills stop training, will the wormhole exit im in not collapse on me with no way out?
Can confirm, Langely is unaware of this issue
Lets hope plex or better, free omega for a few days or week though i highly doubt it, aaa companies don’t do that, mobile games however does
Well, at least I can log on now to leave a post here. That’s something
So is this going to be up anytime soonish? I’m having withdrawals
they’re unaware of their own ineptitude
we all are
I smell Eve coming back online \o/
If the entire server cluster were actually shut down, maybe, but CCP’s never shut down all of it, so they keep the clocks running.
You want to get out, and I want to get back in. That WH was looking pretty wobbly when I left four hours ago.
You know they’ll be restarting things over and over while they work on figuring out what the problem is, right?
Doubt it they probs wont give free omega, that would let some people multibox 20-30+ accounts even if its for a day, unless they did it 1 account per IP or something
its easy, its ccp that is the problem, atleast they’re not zenimax
Multiple major uk internet providers are having internet outages reported and seeing as the server is uk based …
im glad virgin media is fine near Birmingham
Yeah, if they gave away some plex, i’d be happy, saving mine until i have the outstanding 200 plex for a 3 month sub, so free plex would be welcome
Then it wasn’t Langley that answered you. Their official response to everything is to “neither confirm nor deny” any activity…
did someone not fuel the server ??? are hamsters dying !!!
Nope, Langley, like the u.s gov always responds with “uhhh” and then you wait 6hrs for their thoughts to register
Tranquility hasn’t been down once for ‘‘all weekend’’ this year. If ever. (No idea about the first few years of the game). If you couldn’t log on for days on end at some point, then that’s an issue related specifically to your system, it’s not an outage of the servers.
Even back in the day when we used to have outages like the one we’re having today, they lasted a few hours, not days.