Ok, which Dev doesn’t have the server hosting skill injected?
You’re late with your update.
Something is missing here. Oh I know:
[@] WTS HyperNet Gila Blueprints
[@] 500 PLEX [contract]
[@] Get your 1000000 SP for free https://…
Uffffff much better now
Jita Local: “Returning Player selling old hanger [insert dog chod contract]”
…if you’re returning, why sell all your stuff? make it make sense you absolute griftlord
update and give promotions on the skill extractor
How is it that 20 years of this game, multiple daily logins, log offs, whatever. Something like this still happens? Man… if I were the CEO of making money for CCP, I"d be pissed.
Hmm…I just returned to eve last week. Last time I returned was ~Feb 2020, a week before the infamous DDOS attack. Sigh.
Dear CCP,
i hate you.
Eve Offline server status indicates Tranquility is starting up…
So, what you are saying is that it’s all your fault?
Any info CCP?
so the CIA shut down the internet for CCP?
Today was my first day of playing Eve. Should I expect outages like this to be the norm?
I was able to log into the forums, it said the server was closed
Don’t be silly, Goons didn’t do this.
Naw, this is pretty rare
No, but you might want to consider it an act of divine providence.
Will there be any compensation with this? time is ticking.