[Resolved] Unexpected downtime - 1st September 2023

yes but you have to send me 1 billion ISK as proof of you loss :slight_smile:

u didnt even play this last 2 years xD

Certificates… everyone always forgets about the certificates…

But you don’t even know if you share common interests!

It is not necessarily Cloudfare that is the issue. All that is saying is that there is no connection between the CF server infrastructure and the EO web servers. And I think it’s fairly safe say that the connection between the game client and the game servers does not go through the CF infrastructure.

Keep throwing around unevidenced nonsense, like that last one. You’ll have a lot of credibility (not).

Update 22:00 UTC - Summary - Around 19:15 UTC Tranquility and services started to encounter issues which resulted in players being disconnected / not being able to log in. Simultaneously, other services such as web sites and single-sign on were also impacted. Since then we have been investigating the cause and consulting with our various third party providers. We will provide information as soon as it is available.

Update 22:20 - We do not expect that Tranquility will be accessible for at least the next couple of hours, most likely longer. Our Ops team are exploring all possibilities as to the cause of the outage.


We can’t say for certain that the connection never goes through CF, as it’s possible login/auth is routed through it.

Perharps it’s you jinxing then.
Try not to log in for the next 7 years and we’ll tell you how it went.

Never deploy on fridays… NEVER


Yes. Please specify the bank account where you want the 3 cents per hour of lost game time sent to.

$19.95 (monthly subscription)
÷30.42 (average days per month)

$00.66 (average daily cost)
÷24 (hours per day)

$00.03 (cost per hour)

Numbers rounded to nearest 2 decimal places.

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Sweep stake time.

Reply to this thread with a date and time, must be Eve time, you think the cluster will be restored by. Winner gets an exotic dancer.

I’m going for:

2nd September 03:30.

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PVP is the same-ish though, although drop rate is 100%

LOOOOL i would give you an exact last petition on the DT to ccp and text but that is also down. you cannot log into eve online supp. what at time to be alive xD

Please put more fuel blocks in the server.

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2nd September 00:45

Sunday, September 3rd, 11:46 ET.

infidelity is ok as long as there is time travel.

Some drunken CCP Capsuleer hit the Compression button!