Npe Im from South Africa and its 02:21am here and no luck logging in.Hope this can be fixed soon
Not really sure how I feel about that one.
some progress but not quight thir yet
Just wanted to send the devs some love . Y’all built an amazing game. Glad to hear you guys are closing in on it, you’ve got this!
See this map for reason why …
didnt say it was lol
You guys got hit with ransomware or what?
API сервера
lol okay.
eCOVID … lol
So will this be blamed on climate change or that its Trumps fault?
I’m Logged in just fine , no idea what you guys are whining about.
It is kind of lonely tho.
I’m still getting “Connection was closed” errors.
All the dummies in here that don’t have a clue that Starfield broke the internet today. It’s not just some rinky dink space MMO that’s not working. It’s everything.
Starfield downloads sucked up all the bandwidth for the entire planet.
Just relax people. It’ll all be over soon and y’all can go back to ship spinning and whining for free game time.
Mr Epeen
says starting up in 30 seconds
Update 00:27 - Tranquility is being restarted and initially be in VIP mode.
Not really
Thx for the updates Arcade