[Resolved] Unexpected downtime - 1st September 2023

Good Job!!

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If they answered my customer service email, it’s working, enter, you just have to insist on starting, try it for a few seconds

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still dead tho


After the frustration I said to myself: well, what difference does it make? I can do anything else while service is restored. I’ve been updating this feed for two hours haha

update and give promotions on the skill extractor

Well, he’d better have those units in the South Ridge repaired by midday, or there’ll be hell to pay.

bit more progress but not 100% thir

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Same here. Checking status…

As i’m staring at the old login screen, I have to say, I miss it, any way we could dump the launcher and get that back? lol

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ESI still offline

Well its a great game and I enjoy it… As for the loss of play … a stark reminder of what you got. As for wife issues … buy her a broom … worked for me … ribit

they took it offline on purpose

They said they were taking it down to try and get Tranq back online

Sure … here is a screenshot

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“Status: Not accepting connections”

Not accepting connections


Come on CCP. I’m starting to listen the voices in my head. I almost paid for a gym membership. Make this madness stop…


screenshot taken at 19:28pm :smiley: