[Resolved] Unexpected downtime - 1st September 2023


Nooo! The next thing will be to lose your virginity :smiling_face_with_tear:

What is ESI?

API to let all the tools access info of your chars/corp etc etc

Put the credit card down and get a snack.
That should reduce any gym membership cravings

I think is an interface for third party devs.

That’s what cousins are for.

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Let’s watch Downton Abbey she said … pls kill me now


Ah, So I get to log in, right? XD

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oof XD

We feel ya bro. We feel ya.

Well you know what they say.

Never judge a work of art by its defects

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WTF :rofl:

ESI is what all the blocks use to control all their mindless drones

Something vip mode…

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… ah, no …

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I wonder what the lucky VIP member is doing in NE right now.

I wonder who not have reserve cluster for such occasions?
It would be also useful for maintenance purposes.
Is there microservice in gamedev? :slight_smile:

collecting ships & wrecks I bet :wink:


I don’t know if this’ll help but my gameplay was recently filled with lots of flashing screens and auto undocking on its own. That’s all i know.