[Resolved] Unexpected Node Restart

No it doesn’t. Let the game be a game. Nobody comes here to deal with irl political issues.


Luckily for all of those people b**ching, CCP screws things up from time to time. It’s called Grief.

It doesn’t have to be a political issue, people just like turning it into one. But even so, the game does need to keep up with modern social trends, it’s not 2003 anymore. Plenty of things have shifted over the history of the game because certain things haven’t been socially acceptable for years cough ISIS anyone? As the old guard player base starts to leave for whatever reason the game needs to be able to attract younger and newer players to replace them, otherwise it will die.

That is again assuming CCP doesn’t nuke it out of existence beforehand through one of several incredibly stupid managerial decisions.


You should probably stop giving them ideas.

Edit: LOL that came out wrong, and yet funny on a new level. Sorry Nyx!

Oh, believe me, I have some that would make Hilmar have a very special moment. I’m waiting for him to announce that Sisi access requires a second Omega subscription. It should be a very exciting fanfest!

Yes, that would be very indicative of this particular problem.

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I just lost a kill on a war target I hunted down because of this issue. How will you be compensating me for this?

Unfortunately in this instance we aren’t able to send in-game notifications to only those affected, but the node in question was successfully restarted at 21:56. If there are continuing errors, we’ll be sure to let you know!

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Well I lost my ship ( albeit indirectly ) through getting lost from the fleet. Maybe I should ask CCP to refund.

This was my first large pvp fleet and spent a load of money and time preparing. Took my 3 ships out with the fleet and within 5 minutes 2 accounts had blank screens. I was concentrating on trying to get them up and overshot on the remaining account. Pew pew. Dead. Just logged back in to get my ships home and as soon as I log in pewpew 2 more ships gone.
Think I’ll be saying goodbye to this for a while.

Did this restart did something with nodes that serves EVE Portal too maybe? After this restart still “Check client version failed” occurs AGAIN :frowning: Waited 2 hours but it is still the same :frowning:

UPDATE: After next 12 minutes it started to work. For now :slight_smile:

It’s a political issue because not everyone agrees on the matter. Also just dismissing lots of etarian groups as being irrelevant because they are too old is exclusionary, I must know, i came to the game in the second half of my thirties, too old to be playing computer games by conventional wisdom. Stop the non-sense of trying to catter to the “new fanbase”, the new fanbase came and keeps coming because of the distinctive elements of the current game.

It seems this has proven that extremely large scales fights are not expected in High Sec… We had approx 500 in fleet, the enemy a few hundred… it only affected the areas we were to have a battle in… you can log in other areas of EVE with other accounts…

Interesting, as I have never experienced this in all the years playing EVE, tie dye is one thing, its another when it collapses.

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To be fully honest, this was not caused by one of my ship fits. Thank goodness.

Yeah well, not all of EVE is about fights in Nullsec. After 20 years maybe CCP will discover that Highsec, Highsec wardec mechanics and Highsec nodes (beside Jita) need some love too.

so they propped corporations with the update wanting them to grow, but server clusters get overloaded with requests from about 500 ppl. 20 years later back at square 1

This was not caused by load on a single system, however in the future if you do plan larger scale fights you can inform us via the Fleet Fight Notification Tool: https://community.eveonline.com/support/fleet-fight/

This will allow us to allocate dedicated hardware to that node to improve performance.


Since I was involved in this mess, it was related to character interaction we were doing massive Corp invite after over 180 invites, then stopped all invites seem to stop, was unable to open character panels after that… it was simply character info overload as we experienced. After your node reset, then Corp invites started again. It only involved a few systems, Piak, Eloyana. Hajjian, Oipo 2 others… Was unable to remove from fleets during this time, if someone logged off it took 10 min to get back in…

Insead of pouring CCP resources into gender inclusivities, why not pour those resources into ensuring the system doesn’t crash.


NED sounds more like it. Node ***ctile Dysfunction.