Returning after 6 years... multiple accounts 115msp+ looking for a home

Hey @L3I9H

If you’re still open to lowsec our group Filthy Peasants may be a good choice for you.

We’re a EU to US TZ lowsec and npc null pvp corp that lives in the Placid region. We’re an established group with active leadership, great FCs, and all the infrastructure for industry you could ask for (except supercaps can’t be built in lowsec).

We have daily fleets consisting of roams, blops drops, gate camps, and the occasional WH dive while also providing weekly strat ops, capital ops, and structure offense/defense timers. While we have a lot of daily activity we operate on an RL first basis and your time will always be your own.

We also have plenty of industrial infrastructure across multiple regions which include: R64 moons in 3 regions that are open to all members to mine, your choice of personal or corp R32 moons, rigged structures for reactions, capital construction, citadel construction, and whatever structures you’d like to operate.

If you’re interested check out our forum post below and join our public channel Open Filth for a chat.