Returning EU player lf pvp corp (FW, Smallgang, piracy, camping, blops, dictors stuff)

Returning EU player lf pvp corp (FW,Smallgang,piracy,camping,blops,dictors stuff)

Have almost 30m sp into combat with cov cyno 5/logi5 trained.
Not interested in any major alliances and tidi.
Want to logon, join fleet and shoot at stuff while having a good chat.

Hit me up ingame and lets have a chat

There’s no better spot than FL33T for content. 🔥 Minmatar Fleet Alliance - PvP | Capitals | Target Rich Environment

Eclipse Strike Unit

Looking for a PvP wormhole group with the best of both worlds, Eclipse is looking for PvP pilots to join our new Corp that will provide NS & Wormhole Action, form a C2 C5/NS hole.

We are looking to grow and become a competing corp within wormhole space, We are casual eve players where RL comes first.

Talk to any of our Recruitment team.

Join in-game channel Eclipse Recruits

what we Provide :

**PvP **
**Experienced Fcing **
Black Ops
PvE Make Isk

what we want :
EU/US Pilots
**A willingness to learn **
provide knowledge and be keen to fly as a group
Discord coms with a working mic
**min omega Account **

Join Discord: Eclipse Strike Unit

Hay bud welcome back am looking forward pvp pilots for my corp i have a LowSec alliance to noth big we have plenty of pew pew at the moment. Am also in need of logi pilots we all have a good laugh and RL always comes first if you want to have a chat jump on our discord

The fact that you do not want major alliances and tidi would mean that for small or medium sized groups, not affiliated to major blocks, content is a delicasy and it is expected that every member in a smaller group to be a part of that content and its creation.There are also those large engagements sometimes, since our content is born by us takeing fights or going for fights vs. those major alliances.If you think that you could enjoy this kind of nullsec life, poke us for a chat o/

Eclipse Strike Unit

Looking for a PvP wormhole group with the best of both worlds, Eclipse is looking for PvP pilots to join our new Corp that will provide NS & Wormhole Action, form a C2 C5/NS hole.

We are looking to grow and become a competing corp within wormhole space, We are casual eve players where RL comes first.

Talk to any of our Recruitment team.

Join in-game channel Eclipse Recruits

what we Provide :

**PvP **
**Experienced Fcing **
Black Ops
PvE Make Isk

what we want :
EU/US Pilots
**A willingness to learn **
provide knowledge and be keen to fly as a group
Discord coms with a working mic
**min omega Account **

Join Discord: Eclipse Strike Unit !!!

US/EUTZ Corp 20 years of experience looking for more active players like yourself. PVP is our main focus, we pride ourself on actively hunting within and outside of our space. in our down time we love to fatten our wallet to get more ships to pvp with. Come over to our discord, Act now and don’t miss out on all the content.
Imperium Technologies - PvP | Null Sec | New & Old
[ PvP focused with 100% SRP ] - No Life like Null Life -

Discover the rich content and deep social bonds of the 0.0 experience. We offer training and access to the highest end content available in New Eden. Become part of a gaming family that stretches back to the dawn of Eve. Join a rich tradition of combat pranks, territorial wars and, in general, causing as much trouble as we can, wherever we go.

Come be a part of gaming history! Join an ancient nullsec Corp whose history stretches back to 2003.
Newbros/Returning/Olds welcome, all can apply.
80% Buyback program for all your loot.
0.0 Life!!! vast area of null-sec spanning the Southeast of New Eden.
Open boarders with all coalitions space.
20 years of knowledge and experience to help elevate your game.
+|| Have microphone and comms software (Teamspeak, Mumble, Discord)||

||PvP focused, We play hard, we fight hard. Must be willing and able to kill.||
||Must be +18 years of age or older (family/friends exempt as long as they are mature).||
Please contact me for more info
In-game name: Bloodytears Damon
Discord: Archmage1006