Returning player looking for a corporation

Welcome back, you poor bastige! :sunglasses:

I am a firm believer in open communication, and really appreciate what you have put forth in your post. With that in mind, I will say, I’m not sure if Aegis Reforged is a 100% match for you, but am interested in having that conversation with you. The two month cycles wouldn’t be a problem, since we know about it ahead of time, and so long as you communicate when you’re going comms dark, and when you’re back.

Our corp is part of a sov holding nullsec alliance, Already Replaced, in the Immensea region. We have a lot of PvP (which is part and parcel of that life), but plenty of PvE opportunities, as well. I encourage you to check out our recruiting post if you think you might find a home with us. Good luck on your search.