Returning Player, looking for Highsec corp


When you have all your assets settled, head out to Vale of the Silent in null sec and put all those PI alts to good use with us, MASS Salvage. We all multi-box and do a variety of activities like mining, ratting, industry, and PvP. We could use home defense pilots, indy guys for our plans, and explorers to bring in components for various builds to name just a few. We don’t have many blues and tidi is cancer.

Hang out in HS until you are ready or throw one character in with us until you are fully ready. We do get war-decc’d, but not as frequently as the big blocks.

RL is first with us, no joke. We have school, careers, and families to attend to. We are not going to tell you how to play.

Check us out and visit us in game or on Discord. I hope you find a great place in EvE, I appreciate the thoughtful decision making you are going through.