Returning player needs a home 100m SP!

So its time to go fishing and see what nibbles I get.

Please feel free to reply here or if you want to stay under the radar DM me in game.

2004 pilot returning to the game yet again (been away 6 years now). Boring alone and being in highsec is literally worthless.

Work and IRL is always present and priority for me which is why i sometimes have a such a big gap from the game.

What im looking for. Family, a place i can call home, fun, friendly corp mates happy to have some banter while we do what we do. Flexibility due to my time consuming job, I dont need another one.

Where, Null or C4/C5 WH space (Never done WH but willing to learn the ropes. Needs to be lucrative as i can fly shiny ships but need the ISK.

When, UK/UStz as I work very late so lean more into UStz but when im free ill be on.

About me. 100mil SP main, can fly almost all subcap ships apart from Edencom. Amar, Precursor Dred but have skill for Caldari and Gallente too. Will be training Lancer as soon as i can. Command booster. Have experience in Null fleets, roams, home defence and more. Need good PVE space for ISK so i can hop into battle when required.

Loyal and committed to my corp mates and will always yeet ships to defend my people and space.

What i dont need, DRAMA, nasty people, strict op requirements as i said i already have a job. Also not keen on weeks of vetting just to join i wanna get on and get involved as stated im bored alone in high sec.

Added bonus, if i like the space, the people and everything else. I also have my own industry alts im willing to bring to the party. Own JF, Bowhead(Highsec only)Orca booster and compression for ore only at present, Hulk pilots, Rorq too (but not yet flown one). Perfect Ore refiner working on moon mins too. 4 industry toons total and a max level scanning alt (also training him for cloaky loki)

Let me know if me and my toons fit your needs. Ready to pack up and move today or leave my stuff in high sec and start a fresh elsewhere if the market is rich enough.

Cheers and happy hunting everyone.


Hi there,
And welcome back… so I’ll post our full ad below but before you make a final decision come talk to us on our Running with Dogs Discord Community Server

We are UK/EU with a growing number of US tz pilots (who also play a bit in EU), we are a pvp first corp but have very decent space to make isk or do other Eve things in.

If you are looking for a home then we’ve got it for you, we pride ourselves on creating a friendly, helpful, team work focused environment. So I think we tick your boxes as a null sec pvp corp with heart and a plan for our future :dog2: :rocket: :muscle: :boom:

Check out our ad

And our website

Come talk to us… what have you got to lose?

Loyal, commited and family like atmosphere i liked reading.

If you’d like a chat with me representing a similar mindset group, reach out.


Thank you to those who have reached out so far, here and in game. I will do my best to get to you asap as i am looking to make a decision immediately for the right corp, space and atmosphere!

Invites still welcome, keep them coming.

Thanks again everyone.

Hey Dude! The best way to figure out if we’re a match I think is to just come and talk to us. (Discord link below)

And thats the official corp, just to give you some basic info, but I’d much prefer we chat on discord.

Our corp seems like a pretty ideal fit for you, come check us out and have a chat in our Discord when you’re ready: Militant Industrialists

Wanna try your luck in a small group doing a bit of everything in NPC Null with some sov null as well? We’re living in the Great Wildlands mostly.

We have regular gatecamps, a few fleets per week as well, whenever we feel like it, mining, exploration, kinda a bit of everything. Contact us on Discord (Wildlands Tactical Response Unit) and our in-game recruitment channel “WannaBeWild”.

Happy flying!

Welcome back bud am looking for vets to join my corp we live in sov null. There is plenty of pew pew if you fancy a chat jump on our discord

If your interested in what we have to offer then jump onto our discord for a chat. We would love to talk to you!

Yamagata Syndicate Recruitment Ad

Hey Tjup, Come check out our forum post. It’ll give you some info about us and what we are about! there is link to our discord if you have any questions! hope to see you around!


Hit up Black Reach LLC buddy


Feel free to check us out, maybe we can help you enjoy EVE and have a real life on the side :slight_smile:

Check out: 🚀 [EU/US] DPS INC [PVP-LS-NULL] – is recruiting dedicated PvP pilots! 50mil SP+