Returning players looking to go at it again. We are high sp old school players looking for a home.
Null sec only, pvp is a must!
I am also an x skirmish FC looking to hone my skills again.(I will run fleets daily if i must)
We are looking to join as a corp since we share billions upon billions of stuff and it just makes it easier… maybe do a bit of gtrowing…
We are completely self sufficient!
If not… we might be willing to join something until we are worthy enough to do the corp thing…
We have capitals, jf’s etc…
We don’t really care where, but you must be pvp active daily…
SBBAL is coming back to the game here at the same time you are and we’re joining Weaponised Anarchy shortly. We have plenty of exp between us all with some achievable goals in the short term.
Hey man, welcome back sorry we are a bit late to the response party… I’ll just link our ad and say come talk to us before you make your final decision as I think we could be a good fit for you
Welcome back, if you are still looking come check razor out a old alliance that has been around since dirt, PvP daily with a lot of others with good opportunities to take control of fleets also along with a excellent null structure for Indy/pve and all things eve related but at your pace, resurrection complex is looking for players especially more PvP players.