Returning/Still Learning Player looking for home

Main - PVE 7.2m SP
Alt - Mining/Industry 14.3m SP

History of mining/Chill game play with introduction to PVE and Industry.

Still learning the intricate parts of the game. Looking for a place to call home though. Preferably a very active place with a foot in all aspects of the game?

Hey you can join me and my corp 0DARKSTAR0 wete a newbie friendly corp we are also looking to get involved in evdr aspect of the game so poeple like you would be extremely welcome i am sloely growing the corp

You Are Welcome With us :grinning:

Good morning steimur would you be interested in joining a start up corp where we will do abit of everything from pvp and wars to indy and missions if your interested join the discord and have a chat with me THE GRAVE YARD

Hi Steiner,

Reign of Steel is an active industry corp in null looking for more miners who are interested in more than just roids,

Have a read of our advert and give me a shout if it interests you.

We are building brand new corp based on team work and having fun. We have a few Vets. and New bros as a core group. We are an indi corp that spends most of our time HS and WH mining. We have our own C4 for harvesting and ratting. Come join our corp we will help you get back into it
We Offer
Daily fleets with boosts
Bp library
C4 Or HS life… or both
Corp Buy back
LvL 4 missions 1 jump from home
Team first mentality
Corp fleets with ships and wages provided

Stop by our in game channel PR-UN and say Hi

Hey man would love to talk to ya,

We are a us tz pvp corp with active fcs squad in corp that run our alliance us tz operations. We have one of the best buy backs in game and awesome logistics.

In game channel “keebler moon elves”

Joeyscirocco#9522 - discord

Were recruiting if ur looking for active social pvp group, always nicer to be able to fly with a group! Ofc we do bips and bops of c5ratting/industry to pay for our pvp habbits!.3

The untraceable - M A R A K U G A Alliance

MKUGA Discord: Discord

Imperium Technologies - PvP | Null Sec | New & Old
[ PvP focused with 100% SRP ]

No Life like Null Life, come join a great Corp with a long proud history in Eve Online’s Null-sec community

Newbros/Returning/Old welcome all can apply

Be part of one of the oldest corps in the game

80% Buyback program for all your loot.

0.0 Life!!! vast area of null-sec spanning several regions ( Querious/Catch )

Open boarders with all coalitions space

20 years of knowledge and love to train our pilots.



PvP focused, We play hard, we fight hard.

Want to discover the riches of nullsec? We’ll show you how!

Escape the rat race of highsec! Be a law unto yourself in 0.0.

We own plenty of ares for you to explore and discover the kind of pilot you want to be.

Must be +18 years of age or older (family/friends exempt as long as they are mature).

Please contact me for more info
In-game name: Bloodytears Damon
Discord: ArchMage#9082
IT Discord: Imperium Technologies


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